Two polymorphic sites of apolipoprotein B (apoB) gene,Xbal and EcoRl, were examined in 80 patients with docu-mented coronary heart disease (CHD) and 60 healthy individuals selected from a population of Chinese Han nationality.Allele frequencies at these sites were compared between the pa-tients and controls and their impact on lipid metabolism was also investigated. The frequency of X+ allele (presence of Xbalcutting site) in CHD patients was 0.10, which was significantlyhigher than 0.01 in controls (p〈0.001). The same trend wasdetected for frequency of E-allele (lack of EcoRl cutting site)when it was compared between CHD patients and controls(0.11 vs 0.05), the difference was not statistically significant
This study was supported by 8.5 grant from the Ministry of Public Health