The electrostaticfieldin 500 kVpotentialtransformers has been simulated withthree dimensional(3 D) models.The main purpose ofcalculatingthe electrostaticfieldistoinvestigatethe effectofelectrostatic shieldingin transformers andto seeifthe shielding can be removed.The conclusions arethatthe shielding onthe middle ofthe windingis not clearly profitable to the maximum electrostaticfield strength and can be removed.To calculate the field a 3 Dfinite elementsoftware has been developed which is based on a powerfultetrahedral mesh generator. Meanwhile ,axisymmetric models are also employed to simulate the effectofthe shielding.
The electrostaticfieldin 500 kVpotentialtransformers has been simulated withthree dimensional(3 D) models.The main purpose ofcalculatingthe electrostaticfieldistoinvestigatethe effectofelectrostatic shieldingin transformers andto seeifthe shielding can be removed.The conclusions arethatthe shielding onthe middle ofthe windingis not clearly profitable to the maximum electrostaticfield strength and can be removed.To calculate the field a 3 Dfinite elementsoftware has been developed which is based on a powerfultetrahedral mesh generator. Meanwhile ,axisymmetric models are also employed to simulate the effectofthe shielding.