1John D.Harkrider.Lessons from the Great Depression. SPG Antitrust . 2009 被引量:1
2Richard M.Steuer,Peter A.BarileⅢ.Antitrust in Wartime. SPG Antitrust . 2002 被引量:1
3John D.Harkrider.Lessons from the Great Depression. SPG Antitrust . 2009 被引量:1
4Christine A.Varney.Vigorous Antitrust Enforcement in This Challenging Era,Remarks as Prepared for the United States Chamber of Commerce. 2009 WL 1371414(D.O.J) . 被引量:1
5John D.Harkrider.Lessons from the Great Depression. SPG Antitrust . 2009 被引量:1
6John D.Harkrider.Lessons fromthe Great Depression. SPG Antitrust . 2009 被引量:1