Abstract Multiparty democratization has greatly changed the political outlook of Africa in the past 5 years. Among the over 50 African countries, those which have adopted or have proclaimed to adopt multipartism account for nearly 90 per cent now compared to 24 per cent 5 years ago. This trend is the outcome of the simultaneous effect of both the internal and external factors, and any over-stress on one factor while disregarding the other will lead to incorrect conclusion.Different results have been made in pursuing multiparty democratization for the past 5 years in Africa, causing prolonged upheaval and chaos in a few African countries, for which the pressure group in the West should be held responsible. However, it is not justified to totally repudiate the multiparty movement in Africa. It is going to continue in the coming years, and the trend is on the whole irreversible, though reverses are possible for individual countries.The hope of Africa lies in that African leaders will learn and draw lessons from experiences, improve and perfect their political democracy step by step, and eventually establish forms of political systems which suit their specific conditions,and succeed in forming efficient and forceful governments, only thus stability and development of African countries can be assured.
West Asia and Africa