德国经济经历了1992—1993年周期性和结构性双重危机的考验,其内在的强弱点都得以充分显露。强点是:工业技术精湛,产品位高质优;马克币值稳定、坚挺;银行调控作用鲜明突出。弱点是:工业成本高;新工业革命落后于美、日;重建东部负担沉重。 针对经济自身的强点和弱点。德国政府采取了扬长避短的内外政策措施:创造新的就业机会;谋求削减银行在企业中的资本份额;削减福利开支;开展新工业革命;努力开拓以亚洲市场为主要目标的对外经济关系。
test of both cyclical and structural crises in 1992-1993. Now its strong and weak points are fully displayed. Consummate industrial technologies and high-quality products, strong and stable mark and prominent role by the bank in regulating the economy constitute the merits. There are also some disadvantages-its industrial cost is high,it is lagging behind the U. S. in the new industrial revolution,and reconstruction of the eastern part of Germany constitutes a heavy burden.
To foster a better economic growth and circumvent its weaknesses,the German Government is making great efforts in carrying out policies such as creating more jobs,seeking to cut the proportions of capital fund held by the banks in enterprises, reducing welfare expenditure , promoting new industrial revolution, and expanding economic ties with foreign countries, especially with Asia to gain greater market shares abroad.
International Studies