BACKGROUND: Over 355 patients have received ortho- topic liver transplantation ( OLT) at this hospital since 1993. Preoperative imaging studies of both hepatic vessels and parenchyma in these recipients bettered surgical plan- ning or even precluded the necessity of surgery. Here we report our preliminary results of modified magnetic reso- nance angiography ( MRA ) using sensitivity encoding ( SENSE) through comparative study with conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and CT arterial por- tography (CTAP). METHODS: Sixteen patients with suspected liver diseases were included in the study. All of them received both dy- namic MRI of the liver using SENSE and digital DSA with CTAP within a two-week interval. The four-phase MRA was reconstructed from source images of the coronal dy- namic study. The arterial phase of the modified MRA was compared with DSA in the evaluation of hepatic arteries and the portal phase compared with CT portography recon- structed from source images of CTAP. In dynamic study of the liver, a fixed dose (20 ml) of contrast medium and scan timing were used. RESULTS: The main branches and variations of the hepatic arterial system were well shown on the modified MRA, al- though the marginal branches of hepatic arteries were of poor quality. The figures of portal veins on MRA were as clear as or superior to those of CTAP. In addition, the su- prarenal inferior vena cava (IVC) was well demonstrated on MRA and/or non contrast-enhanced coronal balanced fast-field echo (b-FFE) scan sequence in most cases. MRI detected most parenchymal lesions of the liver and hemo- dynamics of these lesions could be evaluated on source ima- ges of the modified MRA. MRI/MRA also serendipitously revealed several extrahepatic disease entities or variations that were not found on DSA/CTAP. CONCLUSIONS: The modified MRA using SENSE is a cost-effective modality of examination for the demonstra- tion of the whole hepatic vascular system. Combined with MRI, it has the potential as a one-stop imaging modality in t
BACKGROUND: Over 355 patients have received ortho- topic liver transplantation ( OLT) at this hospital since 1993. Preoperative imaging studies of both hepatic vessels and parenchyma in these recipients bettered surgical plan- ning or even precluded the necessity of surgery. Here we report our preliminary results of modified magnetic reso- nance angiography ( MRA ) using sensitivity encoding ( SENSE) through comparative study with conventional digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and CT arterial por- tography (CTAP). METHODS: Sixteen patients with suspected liver diseases were included in the study. All of them received both dy- namic MRI of the liver using SENSE and digital DSA with CTAP within a two-week interval. The four-phase MRA was reconstructed from source images of the coronal dy- namic study. The arterial phase of the modified MRA was compared with DSA in the evaluation of hepatic arteries and the portal phase compared with CT portography recon- structed from source images of CTAP. In dynamic study of the liver, a fixed dose (20 ml) of contrast medium and scan timing were used. RESULTS: The main branches and variations of the hepatic arterial system were well shown on the modified MRA, al- though the marginal branches of hepatic arteries were of poor quality. The figures of portal veins on MRA were as clear as or superior to those of CTAP. In addition, the su- prarenal inferior vena cava (IVC) was well demonstrated on MRA and/or non contrast-enhanced coronal balanced fast-field echo (b-FFE) scan sequence in most cases. MRI detected most parenchymal lesions of the liver and hemo- dynamics of these lesions could be evaluated on source ima- ges of the modified MRA. MRI/MRA also serendipitously revealed several extrahepatic disease entities or variations that were not found on DSA/CTAP. CONCLUSIONS: The modified MRA using SENSE is a cost-effective modality of examination for the demonstra- tion of the whole hepatic vascular system. Combined with MRI, it has the potential as a one-stop imaging modality in t