问题近年来,国内心理学界引进和修订了几种国际上较为公认的智力测验。到目前为止,正式出版的有吴天敏教授修订的《中国比内测验》,修订基本完成的有《韦氏儿童智力量表》,另外未经正式修订的但已被人们试用的《瑞文测验》。但实践证明,在使用测验中,如果没有对智力测验的因素分析研究(factor analysis 简称因析法),也难以作到正确地使用测验和科学地解释测验的结果。本研究的目的是通过对三种儿童智力量表的因素分析,试回答以下问题:(1)这三种量表能测出儿童多少种不同的基本智力因素;(2)
In this synthetic factor analyticstudy of China-Binet Scale(3rd revi-sio(?)),WISC(Ist revision in China)and Raven's Progressive Matrices,sixcommon factors were found and respec-tively named Verbal Under standing and Reasoning,Figural Relation Rea-soning,Perceptual Organization,Numeri-cal Reasoning,Memory and HandOperation factors.As the resultsof the present study show,the contentsmeasured by these scales are not iden-tical,children having the same full scalemarks or IQ marks are considerablydifferent from each other in the compa-rison of the intensity of various fact-ors,there exists one main handicapedfactor in a low IQ child's factorstructure and not all the factors arelow.