儿童理解句子的策略是指儿童在理解某些尚未真正掌握的新句法结构时经常使用的一些“规则”。近年来国外的研究者发现了许多儿童使用的理解策略,并对之提出了各种解释。如D.I.Slobin 把儿童的理解策略看成是先天的普遍的能力,这种普遍能力即是儿童先天的分析加工机制,他认为儿童获得语言的过程是主动从周围环境中不断归纳提炼语言的规律性的过程。H.H.Clark 和E.V.Clark(1977)认为儿童语言获得过程是一个主动提出假设、
By having Chinese children performtest sentences with toys,the authorinvestigated their comprehension strat-egies on dative and instrumental senten-ces.Sixty children aged 3 to 7.5 wereinvolved in the research.In interpretingthe test sentences the younger children(aged 3 to 4.5)were found to employmore frequently the“eveat probabilitystrategy”based on semantic relationswhile the older ones(aged 5.5 to 7.5)rely more often on the word-orderstrategy of regarding the first nounas the actor.Similar to those discover-ed by researchers adroad,these stra-tegies are of universal significance.