The present article is a sequel to the 'Studies on the Han Dynasty Slips' (of. Kaogu Xuebao, No. 1, 1963) and purports to give a description of the organization of frontier fortifications in the Han dynasty on the basis of the inscribed slips unearthed at Edsen-Gol. It is divided into two parts. The second part consists of ten tables in which the various posts of the frontier garrison are arranged in accordance with their ranks, thus giving a rough picture of the military organization, as well as the titles and locations of various garrison posts.The first part is made up by the author's description of and comments on these tables. These give an insight into the nature and function of various garrison posts as well as those of their subordinates. Under the tu wei, the hou, hou chang, and sui chang were charged with the actual responsibility of maintaining an lookout system and guarding the frontier. The author discusses at some length the command relations among these posts. Thanks to an exhaustive use of all the slips which have been classified according to find place, the author is able to present a rather full picture of the lookout system maintatned at that time. by the frontier garrison along the banks of the Edsen-Gol Toward the end of the second part, the author proceeds to discuss the problems of temporary substitution and promotion of various garrison officers. These reveal that officers of higher ranks were directly appointed by the central government while the appointments for officers of lower ranks were made locally.Documentary sources dealing with the Han dynasty contain only a few brief references to the militery organization of frontier regions. The information gleaned by the present article has shed much new light on this problem.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica