一、背景与问题 与整个文学批评的状况一样,小说文体学不论在数量上还是在质量上都远不及诗歌文体学。这种局面从早些时候的“实用批评”(Practical Criticism)和“新批评”(New Criti-
Despite significant recent advances in the stylistics of the novel, this genre has remained somewhatresistant to stylistic analysis. The present paper is an attempt to explain the nature of the difficultiesconfronting novel-stylistics by bringing together the insights of a number of scholars in the field. Theinitial propositions, having to do with the nature of stylistics, are (1) that stylistics is based on thepremise that there is an intimate relation between language and meaning in literature and (2) thatforegrounding is the key concept in the methodology of stylistics. When the first proposition is ap-plied to the novel, it is found (1) that the language-meaning relation manifests itself mainly in tworespects, the recurrence of certain key words and the use of mimetic form, and (2) that both thesedevices are used more extensively in modernist than in realistic novels. When foregrounding is exam-ined as a phenomenon in the novel, it is found that whereas foregrounding takes exuberant forms inmodernist novels, it tends to assume a more or less disguised existence in realistic novels. These findingsin turn lend substance to the common feeling taht stylistics has a grealer role to play in the analysisof modernist than in the onaheis of realistic novels: they also go further to show that the greaterapplicability of stylistics to modernist novels is a function of the nature of stylistics and the natureof literary language in different types of novel.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research