
基于建构主义的计算机辅助学习模式 被引量:16

Models of Computer Assisted Learning Based on Constructivism
摘要 从第一台计算机诞生伊始,人们就曾期待着计算机辅助教学(CAI)将会在未来教育上引起一场深刻的革命。然而半个世纪过去了,计算机辅助教学虽然取得了较大成就,但与人们的期望无疑还存在着一定的差距。再有一年的时间人类将步人21世纪。新世纪的计算机辅助教学应该往何处发展,这是每一个关心教育的人都十分关注的问题。其中一个不容忽视的问题是,计算机辅助教学软件的开发应该遵循什么理论依据。不同的理论依据决定了教学软件的类型是不一样的,学生在学习过程所起的作用也不尽相同。本文所要探讨的是如何遵循建构主义的学习理论,开发基于建构主义学习理论的计算机辅助学习软件。 Every person who shows interests in education should be concerned about the problem that toward which direction should the computer assisted learning develop in the next era. This raises a significant issue that on what theory should the development of CAI software be based. Different theoretical bases determine different types of education software as well as different roles that the students play during the learning process. The main idea this article provides is how to observe the learning theory of contructivism to develop computer assisted learning software thereupon. The learnign theory of constructivism believes that learning process is the constructing process of cognitive thinking ac-tivies which is conducted on people's own initiative as well as the process that people contact the external circumstances with their initial knowledge and experience to achieve and construct the new knowledge, in which course the learner is an initiator of knowledge constructing in stead of a passive receptor. Under the learning model of constructivism, the word 'teaching' will gradually be replaced by the word 'learning'. The learning process will no longer be a thinking process that focuses on seeking common ground, but one that is radial and difference-reserving. It is most likely that different results will be constructed according to different ways of learning followed by different students. Under the learning model of constructivism, a remarkable problem is how to evaluate students' learning. Great difference may exist in the content and method of learning of the students in the same class due to the self-constructing learning conducted by the students, which makes it rather difficult to evaluate their learning results objectively and justifiably. Obviously, it is not suitable to perform unified objective evaluation upon them. What is approved by most people nowadays is to examine the learning result of the student by asking him to fulfill a real task practically. For example, if you want to test the
作者 王其云
机构地区 华东师范大学
出处 《开放教育研究》 1998年第6期11-13,45-46,共5页 Open Education Research
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