The two papers,Chengdu Dialect and the Phonology of Sichuan Dialects,which described the real Chengdu sounds in the 1950s and 1960s made known that there is not a set of /?/ initials but a set of /?/ ones in the apical affricates and fricatives in Chengdu dialect.This investigation shows that the retroflex were sounds of Chengdu dialect in the late nineteenth century and the initials of retroflex still survive in the tones of some old ones who are over sixty in Chengdu.\;The Social controlling elements which make a great impact to the preserving of the initials of retroflex are age,race,sexual distinction and residential region.The investigation shows that Chengdu dialect belongs to Nanjing type.The method of distinguishing /?/ and /?/ in old Chengdu dialect accords with that of Western Manderin.
Journal of Sichuan University:Philosophy and Social Science Edition