1955 年,赫鲁晓夫访问南斯拉夫是战后苏南关系史上的一件大事,其影响广泛深远。首先,赫氏访南对苏、南双方均具有重要政治经济意义;其次,赫氏访南萌生了对社会主义实现形式多样性的认识;第三,赫氏访南导致了东欧人民民主国家独立意识的增强。
Khrushchev's visit to Yugoslavia in 1955 was a great event in the history of Russia\|Yugoslavia relationship after World War Ⅱ,having far\|reaching influence. 1.This visit to Yugoslavia is of great political and economic importance;2.The visit led Khrushchev to the belief that socialism could be realized in a great diversity of forms;3.This visit aroused a stronger desire for independence in the people's democratic countries of East Europe.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)