目前电子商务已成为WTO重要议题。在WTO各相关领域中 ,电子商务对《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)的影响和冲击最大。文章分析了电子商务给GATS的分类、适用范围及GATS的一般义务和特定承诺带来的冲击 ,并提出了建立电子商务多边规则的框架设想和原则建议。
The WTO began examing issues related to electronic commerce after the Singapore Ministerial Conference in May 1998.Among the related WTO fields,it is GATS that the E-commerce has the biggest impact on.This paper analyses the E-commerce's impact on the scope,the general obligations and the particular commitments of GATS.In conclusion,the paper provides the rules for establishing a multilateral regulation for E-commerce.
Northern Economy and Trade