关键字母法是将西方世界著名的关键词方法的原理同汉字特点相结合的产物。以 39名普通初一学生为控制组 ,以 2 1名学习不良的小学五年级学生为实验组 ,以 6 4个罕见的英文单词作为记忆测验材料 ,考察了关键字母法对于中国儿童英语词汇记忆的作用。该研究最重要的结果是 ,在关键字母法干预实验前 ,作为实验组的小学五年级被试的英语词汇记忆成绩显著地低于作为控制组的初一学生的记忆成绩 ,然而 ,在关键字母法干预实验后 。
The key letters method is the integrative product of the keyword method, a well known mnemonic strategy in the Western world, with the characteristics of the Chinese characters. With 21 fifth graders at risk for learning disabilities at elementary school as the experimental group subjects and 39 first grade normal students from a junior high school as the control group subjects, and with 64 obscure English words as memory test materials, the current experiment examined the effect of the mnemonic key letters method on Chinese children at risk in English vocabulary learning. The most important and the most exciting finding obtained from the current experiment is as follows: prior to the instructions on the key letters method, the experimental group subjects were much poorer in English vocabulary learning than the control group ones, however, after completion of the instructions on the key letters method, the differences between the experimental and control group subjects didn't approach significance.
Acta Psychologica Sinica
全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题资助项目 (批准号 :CBA0 10 12 1)