互联网教育时代倡导“以学习者为中心” ,改变了教师在教学活动中的主导地位 ,使教师由“教学”转变为“导学” ,教师的角色也因此由单纯的知识传授者变为学习者的向导、参谋、设计者、协作者、促进者和激励者等。作为从事开放教育的一线教师 ,就要适时自觉地转变教育观念 ,熟练掌握和应用现代教育技术 ,跟踪现代教育思想的发展 ,不断更新知识、完善自我 ,以适应学习化社会的需求。
Internet education era encourages “student-centered” teaching and teachers' role is changing from teaching to supervising, from knowledge facilitator to learner's supervisor, designer and cooperator. In order to fulfill these multi-roles, teachers should try to keep up with the times to change teaching concepts, make full use of modern educational technology , renew knowledge structure constantly to adapt to the requirement of the studied society.
Journal of inner Mongolia finance and economics college