Buddhism and local cultural traditions have long protected wildlife species and their habitats in Tibetan-dominated areas of western Sichuan. In Daocheng County, the White Eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon) has been afforded special protection by local people because it is conspicuous and white, a color with special symbolism for Buddhists. This and other cultural reasons have led to pheasants and forests benefiting in some areas. Pheasants were found during surveys between January 2003 and June 2004 in forests with varying degrees of local (non-formal) protection. However, there were significant signs that these traditional attitudes were changing in the face of three particular pressures brought to bear by better roads, improving access to and from the rest of China. The first was the development of a significant local demand for the Chinese caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinesis), which is much sought after throughout East Asia and mushrooms. Second, and more recent, is a dramatic increase in tourism from major Chinese cities, bringing non-Tibetan values into Daocheng County and changing the local attitudes to all animals. And then, there is a rise in income of the local population, resulting in a higher timber demand for building big houses, which impact all wildlife in the forest, but local attitudes to sacred forests have been retained so far in spite of this increased timber demand. Lessons should be learnt from the impact that unregulated tourism at Chonggu monastery, the most visited area in the county, has on the surrounding forests so that other sacred and non-sacred forests can best be protected for the long term. The alternative is that several Tibetan Plateau Galliformes, currently considered non-threatened because of their extensive distribution in a remote area, cannot be guaranteed such a healthy future.
在四川西部藏族地区,佛教和当地传统文化长期以来保护了当地的野生动物及其栖息地。在稻城县,由于白色在佛教中具有特殊的象征意义,白马鸡(Crossoptilon crossoptilon)也因此受到当地人的重点保护。由于类似的文化因素,当地的雉类以及一些森林得到了保护。2003年至2004年,我们在稻城县境内一些受到不同程度保护的地区对雉类开展了调查。调查发现,由于公路改善,当地与外界的交通变得畅通,与此同时保护野生动物的传统正在面临3个方面的压力。首先,当地采挖虫草和松茸量大幅增加,它们主要销往中国东部地区。第二,近年来旅游业蓬勃发展,游客主要来自东部大中城市,他们将外来价值观引入稻城,改变了当地人对所有动物的态度。第三,由于当地居民收入增加,他们消费更多木材用于建造大房屋,这严重影响了当地野生动物赖以生存的森林环境,但是当地人对于神山的崇拜却很好地保护了其中的森林。冲古寺位于稻城县吸引人的旅游区内,周围为森林环境,无序的旅游业对它的影响较为严重,而其他未开发旅游的神山和非神山地区长期以来却未收到这种影响。很多分布于青藏高原的雉类,由于主要分布在偏远地区,濒危程度较低,但随着这一地区的社会和经济发展,将来的保护形势可能会变得严峻。
supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30800101)
the Chicago Zoological Society, the World Pheasant Association and the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
Peter Garson (Chair,WPA-IUCN Pheasant Specialist Group) provided constructive advice on the work and helped facilitate financial support