At present, multi-se nsor fusion is widely used in object recognition and classification, since this technique can efficiently improve the accuracy and the ability of fault toleranc e. This paper describes a multi-sensor fusion system, which is model-based and used for rotating mechanical failure diagnosis. In the data fusion process, the fuzzy neural network is selected and used for the data fusion at report level. By comparing the experimental results of fault diagnoses based on fusion data wi th that on original separate data,it is shown that the former is more accurate than the latter.
目前多传感器融合技术能够有效地提高精度和容错能力 ,所以它广泛应用于目标识别领域中。本文描述了一种基于旋转机械故障诊断多传感器融合系统 ,在数据融合处理中利用模糊神经网络 ,比较了采用基于数据融合实验结果和没有融合的原始数据 ,显然前者比后者更精确。