劳伦斯于十九世纪末生于一个矿工家庭。他亲眼目睹工业化的变革及其对父辈们的戕害。这在少年劳伦斯心中多少孕育着对现代工业文明的敌视和憎恨情绪。他的多部作品都从不同程度反映了这一思想 ,比如《虹》 ,《查特莱夫人的情人》等。对工业文明的失望使劳伦斯呼吁人们重新建构一种新型的人际关系 ,尤其是男女关系。他的作品中的性描写使他生时备受否定和围攻。性不能成为医治社会弊病的惟一良药 ,但劳伦斯这一偏执的呼声正反映现代工业文明在人们心中投下的巨大阴影及其对人性产生的巨大负面作用。
Lawrence was born in a coal-miner's family in the end of the 19th century. He witnessed the great change of industrialization and the damage it caused to his father and people in his father's generation. This caused more or less hostile feelings and hatred toward the modern industrial civilization in the young Lawrence's heart. Quite some of his works, such as The Rainbow and Lady Chatterly's Lover, reflect this idea of his to a certain degree. The despair towards industrial civilization made Lawrence call on people to construct a new type of human relationship, especially the relationship between man and woman. The sexual descriptions in his works made him attacked and criticized by people of his time. Sex cannot become good medicine to cure problems of the society, but Lawrence's extreme opinion just reflected the shadow cast down by modern industrial civilization in people's heart and the huge negative effect it caused in human nature.
Journal of Fujian Institute of Education
industrial civilization
true self