目的 探讨精神损伤的司法鉴定。方法 对54例与颅脑创伤有关精神障碍司法鉴定进行分析,按精神损伤程度分重伤组与非重伤组统计,卡方检验。结果 54例中,颅脑创伤所致智能障碍38例(70.4%),遗忘综合征1例(1.8%),精神病7例(12.9%),反应性精神病3例(5.6%),诱发精神疾病5例(9.3%),均没有评定损伤或伤残等级。重伤组与非重伤组颅脑外伤等级的差异有显著性(x^2=18.54,P<0.01)。与颅脑创伤有关精神障碍的司法鉴定有增多的趋势。结论 颅脑创伤所致精神障碍的严重程度和颅脑外伤损伤程度有关,制定统一的精神损伤鉴定标准,进一步完善颅脑创伤所致精神障碍的司法鉴定刻不容缓。
Objectives: To study the forensic psychiatric assessment of psychic injury. Method: To analyses the forensic psychiatric assessment about 54 cases of mental disorders related to brain injury. They were divided into two groups by severity of psychic injury: serious psychic injury groups and unserious psychic injury groups with X2 test. Results:38 cases of intellectual deficiency were caused by brain injury (70. 4%), 1 case of anmesic syndrome caused by brain injury (1. 8%), 7 cases of psychosis caused by brain injury (12. 9%), 3 cases of reactive psychosis (5. 6%), 5 cases of mental disorders evoked by brain injury (9. 3%). Neither a level of psychic injury or mental disability has been assessed. Their severities of head trauma were significantly different (x2=18. 54, P<0. 01). The tendenly of forensic psychiatric assesss-ment about mental disorder related to brain injury is increased. Conclusion: The seriousness of mental disorder caused by brain injury is relevant to the seriousness of the head trauma. It's urgent to make a unanimous standard of psychic injury assessment and improve the forensic psychiatric assessment about mental disorder caused by brain injury.
Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry
Head trauma Forensic Psychiatry Psychic injury