介绍了一种基于 STEP(Standard for the Exchange ofProduct Model Data)标准的集成化 CAD、CAPP系统设计方法和总体结构,阐述了系统中主要模块的功能及设计原理.该系统可实现CAD、CAPP系统信息集成与共享,在完成零件工作图设计的同时,能产生该零件的加工工艺过程,减少出错率,缩短设计加工周期.
The paper Introduces a STEP(Standard for the Exchange of Product Model) - based standard integrated CAD/CAPP system design method and overall structure, explains its functions of major modules and design principles. This system can achieve the information integration and share for CAD/CAPP systems. While finishing working graph design for machine part, it produces its processing procedures, reduces errorness, and shortens design and processing periods.
Group Technology & Production Modernization