针对激光扫描加工中存在固有图形畸变的情况,提出了DEA(dual-ends approch)控制模型。由于该模型不仅考虑了透镜焦距f、激光入射角θ、振镜偏转角和光学镜组之间的距离,而且还考虑了透镜中心厚度、透镜曲面曲率半径以及透镜介质折射率,因此提高了激光扫描加工系统的加工精度,减小了加工误差。同时利用VC++6.0编制了一个对话框程序,对传统fθ控制模型和DEA控制模型进行了分析比较,结果显示,DEA控制模型能正确表达所设计的加工图形,其精度高于fθ图形控制模型。
A dual-ends approach (DEA) control model was established due to the intrinsic geometry distortion in laser scanning manufacture (LSM) system. During establishing of the model, the central height of lens, the convex radius of lens and the refractive index of lens medium were included besides the distance of both the swaying mirrors, the distance between the swaying mirror and convex lens, the mirror swaying angle and the lens focal length. So the precision can be enhanced when the model is applied in LBM system. Simultaneously, a dialog-box program was programmed using VC + + 6.0 to compare the DEA control model with the traditional fθ control model. The results indicate that the DEA control model can accurately show the designed figure and the precision of the DEA control model is higher than that of the fθ control model.
Microfabrication Technology