1999年 5月 ,将体长为 0 6 5cm的中国对虾 (Penaeuschinensis)仔虾分别放养在盐度为 2 2‰和 16‰的 2种半咸地下水 (简称地下水 )和盐度为 32‰的海水中 3d后 ,仔虾成活率出现显著差异 ;而放养在加盐调配成盐度为 2 6‰的地下水和盐度为 32‰的海水中 3d后 ,成活率无显著差异 .体长为 1 1cm的中国对虾仔虾在盐度分别为 32‰的海水、 16‰的未经处理的地下水、 16‰的氧化处理的地下水、 2 6‰加NaCl调节的地下水和 2 6‰的加卤水调节的地下水中养殖 4 ,8,12d后 ,成活率差异不显著 .试验证明 ,体长为 0 6 5cm的中国对虾仔虾对低盐度 (16‰~ 2 2‰ )地下水的适应能力较差 ,不能直接放养于池塘 ;体长 1 1cm的中国对虾仔虾可直接在盐度 16‰以上的地下水中放养 .
Post larvae of Penaeus chinensis were raised in water with salinity of 32‰,16‰,22‰ and 26‰ respectively.The water salinity was adjusted with NaCl or bittern(high salinity) water.There is no significant statistical difference in the survival rate of post larvae of Penaeus chinensis, at the length of 1 1 cm,cultured in different salinity water It is discovered that the survival rate of length 0 65 cm post larvae is significantly low when they were cultured in salinity 16‰ water The survival rate of length 0 65 cm post larvae can be promoted when salinity increases to 26‰ by adding\{ NaCl\} in salinity 16‰ water
Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni
国家科委攀登计划(B)资助项目!(PDB6 2 2 )