给出了用B样条曲线拟合离散数据点的一种算法,首先利用所给的离散数据点,确 定出拟合B样条曲线的分段连接点,即尖点和局部曲率最大点,然后假设拟合点残余误 差为白高斯噪声,采用贝叶斯判定律确定每一段拟合曲线的最佳阶次与控制顶点数目, 顺利实现B样条曲线拟合。实验证明采用该算法可以获得更佳的B样条曲线拟合。
In this paper, a new curve-fitting algorithm is presented. This algorithm can automatically fit a set of scatter data points with optimal degree of piecewise B -spline curves. In the first step,knot points are identified from the given data set and are further classified as either corner points or local maximum curvature points. Then,we obtained the optimal degree of piecewise B-spline curves by Bayesian decision rule. Curves fitting is in the last step. This algorithm has been tested and can be applied to inverse engineering and image curves fitting.
Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering