通过荧光光谱和紫外吸收光谱法 ,测定了胶束聚集数和芘的疏水因子随大分子浓度的变化 ,从而探讨了疏水链相似而亲水基不同的 3种表面活性剂———十二烷基甜菜碱 (C12 BE)、十二烷基聚氧乙烯聚氧丙烯醚 (LS -5 4)和月桂酸钠 (C11COONa)与两种大分子———聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)及黄原胶 (XC)相互作用的差异。结果表明 ,在疏水链长基本相同的情况下 。
The interactions between surfactants which have the same hydrophobic group with different hydrophilic group and two kinds of macromolecules such as PVP and XC have been investigated by means of fluorescence probing and Ultraviolet visible spectroscopy methods. The addition of XC and PVP resulted in a decrease of the aggregation number of C 12 BE micelle. Most likely this decrease is due to the association of the PVP/C 12 BE and PVP/C 11 COONa by the electrostatic interaction. And some PVP chains...
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