研究了溶胶 凝胶法制备的NiO SiO2 催化剂上温度 ,压力 ,反应时间 ,催化剂用量等工艺条件对顺酐液相选择加氢性能的影响。结果表明 :镍含量为 30 %的NiO/SiO2 气凝胶催化剂在适当的反应条件下顺酐液相加氢可高选择性地获得丁二酸酐和γ 丁内酯。当反应温度 45 3K ,氢压 5 0MPa ,反应时间 8h ,顺酐转化率 10 0 % ,γ 丁内酯的选择性 78 5 7% ;生成丁二酸酐的条件因有或无溶剂而异 ,有溶剂存在时 ,反应温度 398K ,氢压 2 0MPa ;无溶剂在 42 3K ,氢压 1 0MPa ,顺酐转化率和丁二酸酐的选择性达 99 5
The technological conditions of the temperature, pressure, reaction time, catalyst amount have been investigated for the NiO/ SiO 2 catalyst prepared by Sol Gel method on the hydrogenation of MA in a liquid phase The results showed that the hydrogenation of MA using the NiO/ SiO 2 aregel catalyst with Ni 30% had high selectivity to obtain SA and γ butyrolacone(γ BL) under proper reaction conditions The selectivity to γ BL,s could reach 78 57% and the MA conversion 100% under conditions of reaction temperature 453?K, hydrogen pressure 5 0?MPa and reaction time 8h The convertion of MA and the selectivity of SA are more than 99%, but the reaction conditions were different by using solvent and non solvent, the former requiring reaction temperature 398?K and hydrogen pressure 2 0?MPa, and the latter 423?K and 1 0?MPa
Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology