研究目的 :构建空中技巧项目技能学习心理结构和助滑速度最佳训练控制方案与效果的评定。研究方法 :心理测量法、心理技能训练与评定方法、心理训练与技术训练结合。主要研究结果与结论 :经 13个月技能学习心理控制方案的实施 ,运动员技术水平稳步发展 ;技能学习心理控制的准确性是随着动作难度的增加而加强 ,助滑速度的范围是随着动作难度的增大可调控的范围变小 ,运动员动作成功率取决于最佳助滑速度知觉。
The purpose of this study is to construct psychological frame of motor learning concerning aerial technical project and pass judgement on optimum training program and effect of helping skiing speed. The Research methods comprise psychological measurement, mental skill training and evaluation, combing mental training with technical training. The result shows that the skiers technical level are raised, and the skill are steadily developed after 13 months motor learning on the base of foregoing program. The range of skier's optimum helping skiing speed reflecting different motion of diverse degree of difficulty and the control methods have been effectively tested by three times national competition and ordinary practice. The Skiers' ability to control helping skiing speed related to gross score closely. Psychological accuracy for motor learning is enhanced with the growth of motion difficulty, with which the controllable range of helping skiing speed gets smaller and smaller. Successful rate of skiers' motion depends on three factors: 1) the perception of the optimum helping skiing speed; 2) aerial technology; 3) the ability to control landing.
China Sport Science and Technology