对石门台自然保护区鸟类组成、鸟类区系和鸟类物种多样性进行了研究。结果表明 :该保护区有鸟类 2 0 8种 ,隶属 16目 4 1科 ,其中国家一级重点保护鸟类有 2种 ,国家二级重点保护鸟类有 2 5种。在该保护区有分布的 2 0 8种鸟类中 ,属留鸟的有 15 6种 ,属冬候鸟的有 4 4种 ,属夏候鸟的有 8种。根据中国动物区系的区划 ,石门台自然保护区分布的鸟类属东洋界物种的有 136种 ,属古北界物种的有 4 3种 ,属广布种的有 2 9种。本文还分析和研究了石门台自然保护区鸟类区系特征。
The resources and protection of birds in Shimentai Nature Reserve were studied. In showed that the total numbers of 208 species of birds had been recorded in this reserve, which belonged 16 orders and 41 families, including 2 species of the first protected wild bird of national importance ( Trgopan cabotia and Aquila chrysaetos) and 25 species of the second protected wild bird of national importance. The 208 species in the nature reserve had 156 species of residents, 44 species of winter migrants and 8 species of summer migrants. According to the animal geographical regions in China, 136 species belonged to the Oriental Realm, 43 species belonged to the Palaearctic Realm and 29 species belonged to the spread wide in the nature reserve. The character of avifauna , the bird ecological group and economic birds were analysed and studied.
Ecological Science