加强学校德育 ,是我们党的优势和优良传统。加强德育是一项事关我们国家命运大局、青少年成才的大局、教育事业发展大局的任务。在德育工作中 ,要正确处理五个关系。为了加强学校德育工作 ,必须建立一支以班主任、任课教师、少先队。
To strengthen the school moral education is one of the advantages and good traditions of the Chinese Communist Party. Moral education is the task that has an important bearing on the fate of the country, and the growth of the juvenile and youth as well as the development of the course of education. In the work of education, 5 aspects of work should be properly dealt with. In order to strengthen the school moral education, moral workers formed by supervisors, teachers, leaders of Young Pioneers and Youth League and administrative cadres should be strengthened.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University