阐述了750 kV输变电示范工程启动投产以来在生产运行、专业管理、技术监督、状态检修、预试消缺、满负荷试验和先进技术应用方面的工作开展情况,指出了示范工程在运行管理中存在的问题.分析和提出了在十一五期间西北750 kV电网快速发展、规模外送的新形势下,确保750 kV电网坚强送出和安全运行的工作重点和主要措施.
Developments in all aspects of 750 kV transmission and transformation pilot project after its startup are summarized,including the production run,professional management,technical supervision,condition-based maintenance,pretest-based defect elimination,full-load test and advanced technology application,and problems in operation management are presented.Suggestions are given on the main works and methods to guarantee the stable delivery and safe operation under the new situation of rapid development and large-scale delivery of northwest 750 kV power grid in the eleventh 5-year planning.