

Transformation and Reform of International Investment Law
摘要 国际投资法的转型改革已经过了十余年的条约实践,从中可以看出国际投资法改革转型的发展趋势。总体而言,国际投资法呈现出从新自由主义范式转向内嵌自由主义、可持续发展范式的基本趋势。具体来看,国际投资法转型改革呈现明显的复杂图景。在转型改革过程中,国际投资法呈现出趋同化、多元化和复杂性的具体趋势。趋同化体现为新一代国际投资协定(IIA)澄清和限定了投资保护条款,增加和强化了东道国主权公共政策空间、东道国规制权和可持续发展条款。多元化体现为发达国家、新兴大国、其他发展中国家的新一代IIA在基本框架和主要内容方面各有不同的范式创新。例如,在投资者与国家间争端解决(ISDS)方面,美国采取投资者与国家间仲裁改良范式,欧盟采取常设投资法院和上诉机构范式,巴西采取缔约国间争端预防与解决范式。在可持续发展维度,美国、欧盟都采取国家间模式。美国采取了环境、劳工条款模式,欧盟采取了东道国公共政策一般规制权模式,而多数非洲区域组织和某些非洲国家则采取了投资者义务、东道国权利、母国义务模式。复杂性体现为3000多个IIA导致的碎片化、区域化的兴起引起的交叠性和不同IIA之间具体内容的差异性。趋同性为国际投资法的多边化提供了条件,但多元化和复杂性则意味着多边化面临的挑战有增无减。国际投资法转型的趋同性、多元性、复杂性和多边化受阻总体上体现了国际投资法的路径依赖和经验演进逻辑。 The transformation and reform of international investment law has gone through more than ten years of treaty practice,from which we can see the development trend of the reform and transformation of international investment law.Overall,international investment law shows a basic trend from a neoliberal paradigm to an embedded liberal,sustainable development paradigm.Specifically,the transformation and reform of international investment law presents a obviously complex picture.In the process of transformation and reform,international investment law has shown specific trends of convergence,diversification and complexity.The convergence is reflected in the new generation of international investment agreements(IIAs)that clarify and define investment protection clauses,increase and strengthen the host country's sovereign public policy space,host country's regulatory rights and sustainable development clauses.Diversification is reflected in the new generation of IIA in developed countries,emerging powers,and other developing countries,which have different paradigm innovations in terms of basic framework and main content.In terms of investor-state dispute settlement(ISDS),the United States adopts the improved investor-state arbitration paradigm,the EU adopts the permanent investment court and appellate body paradigm,and Brazil adopts the dispute prevention and statestate dispute settlement paradigm.In the dimension of sustainable development,the United States and Europe have adopted the inter-country model,the United States has adopted the model of environmental and labor clauses,the European Union has adopted the model of general public policy regulation rights of the host country,and most African regional organizations and some African countries have adopted mixed model integrating the investor obligation,host country rights and even home country obligations.The complexity is reflected in the fragmentation caused by more than 3,000IIAs,the overlap caused by the rise of regionalization,and the differences in specific con
作者 王彦志 Wang Yanzhi
机构地区 吉林大学法学院
出处 《国际关系与国际法学刊》 2023年第1期193-217,共25页 Journal of International Relations and International Law
基金 国家社科基金一般项目“‘一带一路’倡议下中国视角的国际投资规则创新研究”(18BFX214)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 国际投资法 国际投资协定 趋同化 多元化 复杂性 多边化 international investment law international investment agreements convergence diversification complexity multilateralization
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