
上市公司对外担保特殊规则释论——以法释〔2020〕28号第9条为中心 被引量:9

Explanation of the Special Rules on the External Guarantee of Listed Companies——Focusing on the Article 9 of Interpretation No.28〔2020〕
摘要 上市公司违规担保问题已经窒碍了证券市场的健康发展。我国实定法就上市公司对外担保规定了更为严格的程序控制要件,除了公司担保决策机构事先应作出同意担保的决议之外,上市公司尚须就此进行信息披露。基于对行政监管的尊重,金融司法要求相对人在接受上市公司提供担保之时,应审查上市公司对外担保公告。相对人经审查不知道且不应当知道法定代表人超越代表权限的,在主观上系善意,担保合同对上市公司发生效力,如果担保合同有效,上市公司须承担担保责任;相对人未审查或者经审查,知道或者应当知道法定代表人超越代表权限的,在主观上非为善意,担保合同对上市公司不发生效力,不论担保合同是否有效,其法律后果均不由上市公司承受。对上市公司的单项对外担保公告,相对人应审查其中关于担保事项已经董事会或者股东大会决议通过的信息;对上市公司的担保额度预计公告,相对人除审查前述信息之外,还须审查上市公司的持续信息披露公告。审查的目的均在于判断法定代表人是否具有担保代表权限。 Illegal providing external security by listed companies has threatened the healthy development of securities market.The material law of China provides more strict procedural control requirements for listed companies’providing external security,which requires listed companies to disclose such information in addition to the resolution that the company’s security decision-making body should agree to providing security in advance.Based on the respect for administrative supervision,financial judicatory requires counterparts to review the external security announcement by listed companies when accepting the security provided by listed companies.If the counterpart does not know and should not know that the legal representative exceeds the authority of the representative after examination,it is in good faith.The guarantee contract is valid for the listed company.If the security contract is valid,the listed company shall bear the security liability.If the counterpart fails to examine or after examination knows or should know that the legal representative exceeds the authority of the representative,it is not in good faith,and the security contract is not valid for the listed company,and no matter whether the security contract is valid or not,the legal consequences thereof shall not be borne by the listed company.With respect to the single external security announcement by the listed company,the counterpart party shall examine the information in it that the security matters have been passed by the resolution of the board of directors or the general meeting of shareholders;For the expected security quota announcement by the listed company,the counterpart shall review the listed company’s continuous information disclosure announcement in addition to the aforementioned information.The purpose of the review is to judge whether the legal representative has the power of representative to provide external security.
作者 高圣平
出处 《法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期116-131,共16页 Law Science
基金 北京市社会科学基金重大规划项目“《民法典》担保制度体系研究”(项目编号:20ZDA01)的阶段性成果
关键词 上市公司对外担保 法定代表人越权担保 上市公司对外担保公告 上市公司担保额度预计公告 合理审查 providing external security by a listed company providing security by legal representative exceeding authority external security announcement by a listed company expected security quota announcement by a listed company reasonable review
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