
现代客观归责理论的源流:从主观到客观 被引量:2

Development of Modern Objective Attribution Theory:From Subjective to Objective
摘要 从学术史的脉络上看,如今在我国刑法学界备受关注的现代客观归责理论,其前身可追溯至黑格尔的主观归责学说。拉伦茨、霍尼希的客观归责理论在继承黑格尔学说、将人类意志作为归责重心的同时,又分别以客观抽象人格和客观目的性的概念对意志的内容进行填充,因而仍属于不彻底的客观归责。目的行为论的归责方案着力于考察外部事件与个别行为人的具体意志之间的目的设定关联,是一种典型的主观归责理论。以罗克辛为代表的现代客观归责理论扭转了既往归责学说中意志之于归责判断的核心地位,以客观上是否创设了风险,对意志所能支配的范围进行限定。归责理论的发展史展现出主观归责的客观化转向。在这一从主观到客观的转向过程中,存在三重跳跃,这将成为现代客观归责理论在思想根基层面可能遭遇的理论危机。 personality and the concept of objective purposefulness(objective Zweckhaftigkeit).Both of them are incomplete objective attribution theories.The goal-directed theory of human action(finale Handlungslehre)focuses on the relationship between the external events and the specific will of the individuals with respect to the goalsetting,thus is a typical subjective attribution theory.The modern objective attribution theory founded by Roxin substitutes the will as the main focus of the attribution in the former theories with the objective judgment,whether an objective risk has been created or not,so that the bounds of the will can be set.The history of the development of the attribution theory displays how it has turned from subjective to objective.There are three leaps in this process,which could be the theoretical crisis that modern objective attribution theory might encounter.
作者 陈尔彦 Chen Eryan
出处 《刑法论丛》 2020年第3期226-252,共27页 Criminal Law Review
基金 教育部“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”资助
关键词 归责 客观归责 主观归责 客观性 规范性 Imputation Objective attribution Subjective attribution Objectivity Normativity
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