

Dialogue between the Chinese and Western Culture:by the Jesuits in Ming Dynasty and the American Missionaries in the Modern China
摘要 明清之际的天主教耶稣会与近现代基督教新教传教士来华,中西之间发生两次历史性的文化对话。第一次对话以"利玛窦规矩"为开端,其对话主线从"自省—自觉"向"教化—征服"转变,由此引发了"礼仪之争"与各类"教案"。第二次对话的主线从"教化—征服"向"自省—自觉"趋近,其内因在于第一次世界大战对传教士自信心的冲击,其外因是中国知识精英的抵制进而掀起的反教浪潮,迫使传教士群体作出自我反思与调整。两次中西文明对话徘徊于"教化—征服"和"自省—自觉"之间,其历史痕迹对今天不同文明之间应如何对话仍有启发意义。 During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the Jesuits and the modern Protestant missionaries swarmed into China,accompanying with two historic cultural dialogues between China and the West.The first dialogue started with"Ricci’s Rules",and then the main line of the dialogue gradually transferred from the"introspection-consciousness"to the"education-conquest",which led to"Rites Controversy"and various"religious cases".The main line of the second dialogue tended towards the"introspection-consciousness"from the"education-conquest"due to the impact of World War I,as the internal cause,by which the missionaries’self-confidence sapped,and the anti-Christianity movement,as the external cause,launched by the Chinese intellectual elite.The two dialogues between the Chinese and Western civilizations lingered between the"education-conquest"and the"selfreflection-consciousness",and the historical trace of the dialogues is thoughtprovoking for the dialogue among different civilizations today.
作者 林孝斌
出处 《基督宗教研究》 2020年第2期-,共18页 Study of Christianity
关键词 耶稣会 美国传教士 自省-自觉 教化-征服 对话方式 Jesuits American Missionaries Introspection-Consciousness Indoctrination-Conquering Ways of conversation
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