

Training of Personnel Working against Enemy in New Fourth Army during War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression
摘要 全国抗战爆发后,为有效瓦解日军,面对敌工干部匮乏的情况,新四军建立了一些敌工培训组织,其中主要是“对敌工作干部训练班”和“日本工农学校华中分校”:前者专事培训文化较高的己方工作人员,后者专门训练觉醒的日军俘虏。这些培训机构在人员选拔条件、教学内容以及教学方法上都具有针对性:首先,新四军对学员的来历背景、文化程度和政治觉悟均有一定的要求;其次,在教学内容方面,针对培训对象的不同,新四军设置了各有特色的课程;再次,在教学方法上,采用了生活用语日语化、“沉浸式”教学、“整风式”教学、会议研讨等手段。作为中共瓦解日军极为重要的工作,新四军对敌工人员的培训,壮大了敌工人员队伍,提高了新四军对敌工作的专业化水平,使对日军的反战宣传普遍开展起来,在瓦解和教育感化俘虏等方面发挥了至关重要的作用。 After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression,in order to effectively disintegrate the Japanese invading army and to alleviate the shortage of personnel for anti-enemy work,the New Fourth Army established some targeted training organizations,including mainly“Training Courses for Cadres Working against the Enemy”and“Huazhong(Central China)Branch of Japanese Workers and Peasants School”.The former specialized in training relatively bettereducated New Fourth Army staff,while the latter focused on training awakened Japanese prisoners of war.These training institutions had more pertinence in terms of personnel selection,training content and teaching methods.Firstly,in terms of personnel selection,the New Fourth Army had certain requirements on the trainees’background,educational level,and political consciousness.Secondly,in terms of teaching content,the New Fourth Army set up courses with their unique characteristics in view of different trainees.Thirdly,in terms of teaching devices,it adopted methods like using the Japanese language in everyday life,“immersion”teaching,“rectification style”teaching and conference discussions.In short,as an extremely important task for CPC to disintegrate the Japanese army,the New Fourth Army’s training of personnel for anti-enemy work strengthened the team working against the enemy and improved the professional level of the New Fourth Army’s work against the enemy.It made anti-war propaganda targeted at the Japanese army widely carried out and it played a crucial role in the disintegration,education and reformation of POWs.
作者 曲利杰 赵新利 Qu Lijie;Zhao Xinli(School of Marxism,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093;School of Advertising,Communication University of China,Beijing 100024)
出处 《军事历史研究》 CSSCI 2024年第2期51-61,共11页 Military History Research
基金 2022年国家社会科学基金青年项目“全面抗战时期中国共产党对日军战俘改造工作研究”(22CDJ026) 2021年国家社会科学基金重大项目“日本馆藏中国共产党新闻宣传史料整理与研究(1921—1945)”(21&ZD323)
关键词 新四军 对敌干部工作训练班 日军俘虏 日本工农学校华中分校 the New Fourth Army Training Courses for Cadres Working against the Enemy Japanese prisoners of war Huazhong(Central China)Branch of Japanese Workers and Peasants School
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