2013年秋,在习近平主席提出共同建设"丝绸之路经济带"和"21世纪海上丝绸之路"倡议后,"一带一路"建设与国际合作很快在国际社会引起很大反响,美国智库的专家学者纷纷发表观点和看法,美国詹姆斯敦基金会对"一带一路"倡议尤为关注。该会高级研究员雅各布·曾恩(Jacob Zenn)称:"丝绸之路经济带"构想是中国在欧亚大陆与日俱增的战略陆权的组成部分。他认为"丝绸之路经济带"对中国经济发展产生了多方面作用,已被提升到"战略"的高度。综合美国智库学者研究状况,本文试图从国际政治学的地缘政治经济视角,论述"一带一路"的地缘经济、地缘政治影响,以及"一带一路"下中国与非洲、中国与南亚国家的经贸关系等,分析美国智库专家、学者对"一带一路"国际合作和建设研究的新视角。
After Chinese President Xi Jinping initiated to jointly construct the "Silk Road Economic Belt"and "21 st century Maritime Silk Road"in Autumn,and BRI construction and international cooperation soon aroused great response in many countries,and the experts and scholars of the U.S.think tanks have expressed their opinions and ideas.The Jamestown Foundation has been particularly concerned the development of BRI.Jacob Zenn,a senior research fellow at the foundation,said that the "Silk Road Economic Belt"which Xi envisions,also represents a component of China’s growing strategic landpower in Eurasia.He believed that due to the multifaceted purposes that the Silk Road Economic Belt serves for China,it has now risen to the level of a"strategy."From the geopolitical and geo-economic perspective of international politics,this paper attempts to discuss the impact of BRI and the trade and economic relations among China,Africa and South Asian countries,and analyze the new perspective of experts and scholars of American thing tanks on the study of BRI.
Qiu Huafei;Wei Yanping
Fudan American Review