

The Games of Big Powers in Romania and Bulgaria during the World War II—And Its Influence on the Resistance Movements in Romania and Bulgaria
摘要 二战期间,罗马尼亚和保加利亚是纳粹德国的仆从国,两国人民虽然开展了反法西斯的抵抗运动,但大国之间的博弈对两国抵抗运动产生了巨大影响。无论是战争初期英法德苏的争夺,还是战争中期德苏英三国的角逐,战争末期苏英美之间的博弈,都令罗、保两国政府在各大国之间艰难抉择。复杂的局面也使罗、保两国人民陷入迷茫,致使罗、保两国的反法西斯抵抗运动长期陷入低迷。战争末期,苏联利用地缘优势与英国展开利益角逐。美国出于自身利益考虑,对英、苏在巴尔干划分势力范围采取默认态度。大国博弈对罗、保两国反法西斯抵抗运动的兴起、发展及其最终结局都产生了制约作用乃至决定性影响。 During World War II,Romania and Bulgaria were the servants of Nazi Germany.Although the two peoples carried out the anti-fascist resistance movement,the game between great powers had a great impact on the two countries'resistance movement.Whether it is the competition between Britain,France,Germany and the Soviet Union at the beginning of the war,the competition between Germany,the Soviet Union and Britain at the middle of the war,or the game between the Soviet Union,Britain and the United States at the end of the World War II,the governments of the two countries have made difficult choices between the major powers.The complicated situation also made the people of Romania and Bulgaria perplexed,which resulted in the depression of anti-fascist resistance movement in the long period.At the final stage of the War,the Soviet Union took the geographical advantages to compete with the UK.Oriented by its own interests,the US adopted a default attitude toward the separation of spheres of influence in the Balkans between the UK and the Soviet Union.Based on the above,it is evident that the games of great powers have had a regulative role and even decisive influence on the rise,development,as well the final outcome of anti-fascist resistance movements in Romania and Bulgaria.
作者 赵克仁 Zhao Keren
出处 《外国问题研究》 CSSCI 2023年第1期87-98,143-144,共14页 FOREIGN HISTORY STUDIES
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“世界反法西斯战争中的欧洲抵抗运动全史”(编号:16ZDA140)
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