
国际商事仲裁中仲裁地的确定及其法律意义——从BNA v.BNB and another案谈起 被引量:4

The Determination and Legal Significance of the Seat of Arbitration under the International Commercial Arbitration——Taking the BNA v. BNB and Another as An Example…
摘要 在国际商事仲裁中,仲裁地是一个法律概念,它是指仲裁当事人约定的,或无约定时由仲裁庭、仲裁机构或法院确定的仲裁的法律归属地。仲裁地在国际商事仲裁中具有重要的法律意义,它不仅在很大程度上确定仲裁协议准据法以及仲裁程序法的适用,而且还使得仲裁地法院对仲裁行使相应的管辖权,包括司法协助和司法监督。另外,根据1958年《纽约公约》的规定,仲裁地是确定仲裁裁决国籍的一个主要标准,因此仲裁地对裁决的承认与执行也将产生重大影响。本文从颇受关注的新加坡高等法院和上诉法院审理的BNA v. BNB and another案入手,探讨仲裁地的确定、法律意义以及选定仲裁地时应当考量的因素,以期为国际商事仲裁从业人员提供参考。 In the international commercial arbitration, the arbitral seat is the location selected by the parties(or, in cases where the parties have chosen no seat, by the arbitrators,an arbitral institution, or a court) as the legal or juridical home or place of the arbitration.The arbitral seat has significant legal effect for international commercial arbitration, since by which the governing law concerning the arbitration agreement and arbitral procedure may be determined under most situations, meanwhile the court of the place of the arbitral seat may exercise the judicial power, including the judicial assistance and supervision for and over the arbitration. Furthermore, the arbitral seat is the primary criterion to determine the nationality of the arbitral award under New York Convention, 1958, therefore it may also have major effect upon the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award. This article starts from the case BNA v. BNB and another which attracted wide attention and was finally adjudicated by the Singapore Court of Appeal, and then elaborates on the issues of determination of the seat of arbitration, its legal effect and the factors warranted consideration when draft an arbitration agreement, with the aim of providing useful references for the international commercial arbitration practitioners.
作者 覃华平 QIN Huaping
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《商事仲裁与调解》 2020年第2期69-81,共13页 Commercial Arbitration & Mediation
关键词 仲裁地 BNA v.BNB and another 仲裁协议 仲裁程序 arbitral seat BNA v. BNB and another arbitration agreement arbitral procedure
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