Zhao Juxin was also called Jiming,and he used Dongxi as an alias.There is no biography of him in Yuanshi[History of Yuan]and no related record in other special historical such as stone inscriptions,posthumous biographies,family biographies.But Zhao Juxin was a very famous scholar and official from Qubilai Qaγan's realm to Emperor Yingzong Gegegen Qaγan’s realm[late 13^(th) century to 1323AD].There are two opinions about his native place;Xindu or Xuzhou.Xindu may be his ancestral home.And then for some reason,his family moved to Xuzhou.Zhao Juxin who was invited by the Yuan government at least three times.He had served as Director of Studies of the National Institute(Guozi Siye 国子司业 Kuo-tzu Ssu-yeh),Expositor of the Jixian Academy(Jixian Shijiang Xueshi 集贤侍讲学士 Chi-hsien Shih-chiang hsüeh-shih),Chancellor of the Hanlin Academy(Hanlin Xueshi Chengzhi 翰林学士承旨 Han-lin hsueh-shih ch’eng-chih).It seems that he might also work as Rector of the National Institute(Guozi Jijiu 国子祭酒 Kuo-tzu Chi-chiu)and Associate Censor of the Censorate(Shiyushi 侍御史 Shih-yü-shih).After his death,he received the Posthumous Enfeoffment;Duke(of First Degree)of Liang,and was given the posthumous title of Wenjian.Zhao Juxin had contacts with Teng Anshang and Hu Zhiyu in the officialdom.Zhao Juxin wrote no less than eight books.Shu Han Ben Mo(蜀汉本末)is still preserved nowadays.Ji Ming Zhao Shi Zu Zang Tu(季明赵氏族葬图)may be also one of his work.
Zhang Shaohua(Zhengzhou University)
Studies on the Mongol-Yuan and China's Bordering Area
Zhao Juxin
the life
the works
the studies of historical figures