
中非合作进程中的青年角色探析 被引量:1

The Role of the Youth in China-Africa Cooperation
摘要 在中非友好交往中,青年扮演着重要角色,是中国对非援助项目的主要执行者、教育交流的主体性力量和中非交流机制化项目的重要参与者。2000年中非合作论坛创立以来,青年作为中非政治互信、经贸往来、人文交流等领域的主力军作用进一步凸显,在治国理政、党际交流、创新创业、产能合作、减贫发展等方面发挥了重要作用。新时代中非合作中,青年角色的重要性被提上战略新高度。青年应成为中非友好合作精神的继承者、“四点主张”的捍卫者、“九项工程”的建设者及中非共建“一带一路”、南南合作的生力军,为促进中非关系可持续发展和构建高水平中非命运共同体贡献青春力量。 In the development of China-Africa relations,the youth has been playing an important role as the main practitioners of aid projects,the main force of educational exchanges and important participants of China-Africa institutionalized programs.Since the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC)in 2000,the role of the youth as the main force in China-Africa political mutual trust,economic and trade cooperation,and people-to-people exchanges has become further highlighted.Young people play an important role in state governance,inter-party exchanges,innovation and entrepreneurship,industrial capacity cooperation,and poverty reduction and development.In the new era of China-Africa cooperation,the importance of the role of the youth in China-Africa cooperation has been raised to a new strategic height.Young people should inherit the spirit of China-Africa friendship,uphold the“Four Proposals”,actively participate in the“Nine Programs”,and carry out the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)and South-South Cooperation between China and Africa,so as to make great contributions to the sustainable development of China-Africa relations and the building of a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.
作者 张利萍 王珩 Zhang Liping;Wang Heng(Institute of African Studies,Zhejiang Normal University,Jinhua 321004)
出处 《中国非洲学刊》 2021年第4期115-129,147-148,共17页 JOURNAL OF CHINA-AFRICA STUDIES
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“‘五位一体’构建中非命运共同体的战略路径探索与实践创新研究”(项目编号:界生组织的标准界定,即指21ZDA129)阶段性成果
关键词 中非合作 青年角色 中非命运共同体 “九项工程” “一带一路”建设 China-Africa cooperation the role of the youth China-Africa community with a shared future “Nine Programs” the pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)
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