目的:制备姜黄素偶联O-羧甲基壳聚糖纳米粒(Cur-OMCS)并考察其对HepG2细胞的抑制能力。方法:通过酯化反应将姜黄素和O-羧甲基壳聚糖键合在一起,利用紫外、红外、核磁及透射电镜对Cur-OMCS进行表征,通过MTT考察CurOMCS对肿瘤细胞的抑制效果。结果:Cur-OMCS在水中自组装成纳米粒,平均粒径319 nm,粒径分布指数0.488,Zeta电势-26.1 mV,水溶液呈黄色澄清透明,姜黄素在水中质量浓度提高了300倍。姜黄素载药量1.5%,Cur-OMCS的临界胶束质量浓度0.040 g·L-1,Cur-OMCS对HepG2细胞的抑制效果明显优于游离姜黄素,当Cur-OMCS中姜黄素质量浓度15 mg·L-1时,细胞生长抑制率达80%。结论:Cur-OMCS在水中可自组装形成纳米粒子,极大地提高了姜黄素的肿瘤细胞抑制能力。
Objective: To prepare curcumin conjugated O-carboxymethyl chitosan nanoparticles (Cur- OMCS) and investigate its ability to inhibit HepG2 cells. Method: Curcumin was conjugated to O-carboxymethyl ehitosan by esterification reaction. Cur-OMCS was measured by UV-Vis, IR, NMR and TEM. Antieancer activity of Cur-OMCS was investigated by MTT. Result: Cur-OMCS could form nanoparticles by self-assembly in aqueous media with average particle size of 319 nm, partiele size distribution index of 0. 488, Zeta potential of-26. 1 mV and drug loading of 1.5%. The solution showed clear and transparent with yellow. The concentration of curcumin in aqueous media increased 300 times with critical micelle concentration of 0. 040 g ·L^-1. The inhibitory effect on HepG2 cells of Cur-OMCS was much better than that of free curcumin with the cell proliferation inhibition rate of 80% when the concentration of curcumin reached 15 mg ·L^-1. Conclusion: Self-assembled nanopartieles of eureumin conjugated O-carboxymethyl chitosan increased antieancer activity of cureumin.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae