
一起呼吸道腺病毒感染暴发流行的调查 被引量:23

Epidemiological study on a outbreak of respiratory infection due to adenovirus
摘要 目的探讨2009年驻豫某部队急性呼吸道感染暴发流行的流行病学特征及病原学病因。方法制定病例的临床诊断标准,采用统一的流行病学个案调查表对病例进行调查,描述流行特征;对流行区患者的咽拭子标本分离病原体,并对阳性分离株进行免疫荧光、聚合酶链反应(PCR)、电镜检测,对患者的双份血清进行中和试验。结果 2009-01~02驻豫某部队发生传染性急性呼吸道感染患者225例,疫情波及整个营区,2009-02-10形成发病高峰,患者100%为外省市入伍者,新兵占到68.9%。临床特征为发热(100%)、咳嗽(71.6%)、咽痛(49.3%)、头痛(45.3%),少数患者出现胸闷(13.8%)、呼吸困难(1.8%),无病死患者。咽拭子标本经实验室分离培养,53.3%的标本出现了明显的细胞病变效应,电镜下可见细胞核内大量呈晶格状排列的典型腺病毒颗粒,直接免疫荧光试验、PCR检测及双份血清中和试验均证实为腺病毒感染。结论发生在驻豫某部队传染性急性呼吸道感染暴发疫情的病原体为腺病毒,传播途径主要以空气传播为主。 Objective To explore the epidemiological and pathogenic cause of acute respiratory tract infection syndrome which broke out in a military base.Methods The clinical standard for the diagnosis cases was developed investigation of cases was taken by using the same epidemiological questionnaire,and the epidemi-ological characteristics were deseribed.The specimen of pharyngeal swab for the sufferer in epidemic areas were collected to separate and culture etiology agent and to test the positive specimens by suing immunofluorescence,PCR,electron microscope technology and neutralize test to the couple serum of the cases.Results There were 225 cases of acute respiratory tract infection syndrome.The incidence peaks occurred on February 10.Most cases were recruits.The clinical characteristics were fever accompanied by angina and cough.The prognosis was all right and no death cases.The specimens were separated and cultured in laboratory,and obvious cellular pathological changes,where the cells presented the form of grapes cluster and the refraction ability of cells had been enhanced,appeared in 52.3 percents of the specimens.The large amount typical granule of adenovirus,where array of cells presents crystal lattice,could be observed in the nucleolus under electron microscope.Infection by adenovirus could be proved by direct immunofluorescence test,PCR,and neutralize test to the couple of serum.The virus was confirmed as adenovirus.Conclusion The pathogen of acute respiratory tract infection syndrome breaking out in the military base is confirmed as adenovirus,and the transmission route mainly is to contact with the aerosol in the air.
出处 《实用医药杂志》 2011年第7期636-638,共3页 Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
关键词 腺病毒 急性呼吸道感染 暴发流行 Adenovirus Acute respiratory tract infection Outbreak epidemiology
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