
1例HIV抗体结果不确定原因的讨论 被引量:5

The Discussion of the Reason of Uncertain Result of A HIV Antibody
摘要 通过1份出国劳务人员HIV抗体检测的案例,作者讨论了HIV抗体不确定结果产生的原因。原因主要有:感染还处于窗口期;艾滋病进展到终末期,病毒复制加快,抗体水平下降;其他非病毒蛋白抗体的交叉反应;以前接种过HIV试验性疫苗。作者提出当出现HIV不确定结果时,检疫人员要保持严谨的工作态度,严格按照操作规程进行实验,认真进行流行病学调查,排除不确定结果可能产生的原因,并建议受检者复查。 Through HIV antibody detection of a abroad labor, the author discussed the several reasons of the uncertain result. The procreant causes of the uncertain result of HIV antibody includesd the infection was still in window-period, the disease turned into the terminal stage, which caused reproduce of virus expedited and level of antibody declined, other cross-reaction caused by non-virus albumen antibody, and experimental HIV vaccine inoculation. When the uncertain result occurs, inspectors should keep their precise attitude and experiment carefully according to the regulations. Epidemiology research must be taken to exclude the uncertainty. Countercheck is recommended.
作者 黄晶晶
出处 《旅行医学科学》 2008年第4期39-40,共2页
关键词 HIV抗体 筛查实验 确认实验 不确定原因 HIV antibody Filtrate experiment Confirming experiment Uncertain reason
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