
省略与省力 被引量:14

Ellipsis and Economy
摘要 省略是语言中一种常见的现象,也是一种复杂的现象。以往对省略的分析大都侧重于句法、语义或篇章等方面,实际上,省略的产生离不开人们形成语言意识的认知心理机制。在对省略的内涵进行系统的历时考察的分析框架下,借助于认知语用维度探讨省略形成的心理动因和价值取向,可以辩证地分析省略和省力的关系。 Ellipsis is a complex and complicated phenomenon in language. It has a huge number of forms of manifestations and a large variety of circumstances associated with them. It not only involves every aspect of grammar, but also has close links with rhetoric, psychology, sociology and so on. The research on ellipsis has a long tradition both in China and abroad. But previous studies on ellipsis have largely been restricted to syntactic, semantic or textual analysis and have had a static nature. Actually, the understanding of elliptical structures depends on the cognitive and mental mechanisms which form the linguistic consciousness. This article first introduces a systematic and diachronic research about ellipsis, then analyses it from the dynamic, cognitive and pragmatic perspectives, with the view to exploring the psychological motive and value orientation in the construction of ellipsis, thereby demonstrating the dialectic relationship between ellipsis and economy. Ellipsis, a dynamic pragmatic element, exists widely in daily conversations and various registers and discursive genres. It is context-dependent, recoverable and flexible. It can serve the purposes of cohesion, coherence and conciseness. The principle of fundamental principle to guide the human behavior economy or the principle of the least effort In the case of human communication and interaction, it is also essential to understand the deep cause of elliptical occurrences. Based is the social on a profound review of the psychological motives behind ellipsis, conclusion has been drawn that the generative mechanism of widespread ellipsis is the tendency of the least effort in the human mentality.Verbal communication follows the principle of economy. Given and old information is more likely to be omitted whereas the new one is highlighted and emphasized in explicit expressions. Therefore, the expression and reception of the communicative intention have more efficiency. Encoding and decoding of language symbols are neither time-consuming nor laborious. Gen
作者 陈伟英
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第6期177-184,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学"十五"规划项目(01JD740002)
关键词 省略 动态 省力原则 心理过程 ellipsis dynamic the principle of least effort mental process
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