考察明清时期“宗族”的历史 ,应该超越“血缘群体”或“亲属组织”的角度。华南地区宗族发展是明代以后国家政治变化和经济发展的一种表现。宗族的发展实践 ,是宋明理学家利用文字的表达 ,改变国家礼仪 ,在地方上推行教化 ,建立起正统性的国家秩序的过程和结果。文章概括讨论了宗族意识形态通过何种渠道向地方社会扩张和渗透 ,宗族礼仪如何在地方社会推广 ,把地方认同与国家象征结合起来的过程。
This paper outlines the diffusion of the concept of clans and the promotion of sanctioned sacrificial rituals in South China during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The author argues that the development of clans was a consequence of the establishment of Neo Confucian orthodoxy, the popularization of literati ideals through the spread of writings, and the implementation of state rituals meant to civilize and transform local society. Studies of clans are thus more than a mere examination of genealogical groups or kinship organization, since they help us to better understand how local societies might have been integrated into the Chinese state.
Historical Research