调查发现北京地区现分布蜻蜓目均翅亚目昆虫 3科 1 0种 ,其中科的蓝纹与二色异痣为优势种 ,分布最为广泛 ,通过主成分分析 ,湿地内的浮水层植物盖度、挺水层植物盖度、周围植被盖度及沉水层植物盖度是影响它们分布的最主要生态因子 ,各因子的贡献率分别为 3 0 49,2 4 1 4,1 7 45和1 5 2 6%。色科黑色和透顶单脉色主要分布于北京西南部地区及北部山区水流较快、水体较浅、污染度较小的水域。长叶异痣、七条和白扇主要分布在河流和水库湖泊的边缘地带 ,数量相对较少。烟翅绿色、红痣绿色及白狭扇仅在山区发现 ,分布范围较为狭窄。
A survey on the ecological distribution of damselflies (Zygoptera) and the influencing factors was carried out in Beijing area from March of 2002 to October of 2003. Ten species of damselflies, which belonged to 3 families and 7 genera, were found in our study. Among them, Cercion calamorum and Ischnura asiatica were dominant and widespread species. The results of Principal Components Analysis (PCA) indicated that the coverage of freely-floating aquatic plants, emergent aquatic plants, plants around the plots and the submergent aquatic plants were significant factors affecting the distribution of those two damselflies. They contributed 30.49, 24.14, 17.45 and 15.26%, of the total variation respectively. Moreover, Calopteryx atratum, and Matrona basilaris were merely recorded within the waters of the southwestern and northern parts in which the water flowed rapidly, with shallow depth and less pollution. Cercion plagiosum, Ischnura elegan, and Platycnemis foliacea were comparatively uncommon species of damselflies, which occurred only in the edges of rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Mnais mneme, M. earnshawi and Copera annulata were restricted-ranged species that were only found in the mountain areas of Beijing.
Entomological Knowledge
国家自然科学基金资助 (项目批准号 30 2 30 0 80 )