
北京地区湿地高等植物区系分析 被引量:10

Flora of Higher Plant in Wetland of Beijing Area
摘要 根据工作需要,在北京4个水系的主要河流的平原地段和山区的上、中游地段,选取不同生境的典型样地,以及城区的人工湖泊共设立了35个采集点,采用样方法和样带法相结合,共调查样方355个,采集样本4 152个。在该调查资料的基础上,运用区系学原理对北京地区湿地高等植物区系的种类组成、地理成分(科、属、种3个层次)等进行了系统的分析。结果表明,北京地区湿地高等植物共有108科311属552种(含山区湿地),占北京植物总数的近1/3。其中苔藓植物(B ryohyto)有9科15属18种;蕨类植物(Pteridophgta)5科5属8种;裸子植物(Gymnosperm ae)3科5属6种;被子植物(Angiosperm ae)91科286属520种。种子植物中含20种以上的有5科,共210种;含5种以上的属有14个属,共114种。北京地区湿地植物的分布(即地理成分)较复杂。北京湿地种子植物属的分布区类型有15个类型,9个变型,温带地区类型占主导,温带成分较丰富(属数、种类、比例均占首位)。本区植物区系的主要特征为:①草本植物发达;②温带成分占优势地位;③区系起源古老;④特有属、种匮乏;⑤分布区类型具多样性。 Researches on wetland plants of Beijing area mainly began in 1990s, but studies on the flora characteristics of higher plants of wetland in Beijing area has not yet been reported. Based on data collection, information inquiry and field survey, the features and characteristics of the flora of higher plants of wetland in Beijing area were analysed. The study of floristic element has supplied sufficient basis of developing, utilizing and preventing the local plant resources, as well as developing plant introduction from other basin or areas. Five hundred and fifty two species of higher plants belonging to 311 genera and 108 families (including mountain wetland) were distributed and approximately counts for about 1/3 of the total plants in Beijing district. Those families, genera and species covered 48.87% of the families, 32.06% of the genera and 23.40% of the species of higher plants in Beijing region, respectively. Among them, Bryophytes were 18 species belonging to 15 genera and 9 families, occupied 3.26% of the total species; and Pteridophgtes were 8 species belonging to 5 genera and 5 families, occupied 1.45% of the total species ; and Gymnospermae were 6 species belonging to 5 genera and 3 families, occupied 1.09% of the total species ; and Angiosperms were 520 species belonging to 286 genera and 91 families, accounting for 94.20% of the total number of the higher plants of wetland in Beijing area. From the statistics of relative great families, 5 greater families( species ≥20)were the principle parts of all the higher plants. The total was 210 species, occupied 38.04% of total species, and Compositae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Leguminosae, and Polygonaceae were the greatest families. From the statistics of relative great genera, there were 14 greater genera(species ≥5) , the total was 114 species, accounted for 4.50% of total genera and 20.65% of total species. Polygonurn, Arternisia, Cypeus, Rumex, and Carex were the greatest genera in Beijing wetland. The distribution of wetland plants i
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 2006年第3期219-226,共8页 Wetland Science
基金 北京市自然科学基金重点开放基金(222126)项目资助
关键词 湿地 高等植物 区系 北京地区 wetland higher plant flora Beijing area
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