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波纹巴非蛤Paphia undulata表型性状通径和回归分析 被引量:18
作者 王庆恒 邓岳文 杜晓东 《热带海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期132-135,共4页
从波纹巴非蛤Paphia undulata湛江群体随机选择200个个体,测量壳长(SL)、壳宽(SW)、壳高(SH)、韧带长(LL)和软体重(EW)等5个性状,计算性状间的相关系数,采用通径分析方法计算了以壳性状和韧带长为自变量对软体重作依变量的通径系数、决... 从波纹巴非蛤Paphia undulata湛江群体随机选择200个个体,测量壳长(SL)、壳宽(SW)、壳高(SH)、韧带长(LL)和软体重(EW)等5个性状,计算性状间的相关系数,采用通径分析方法计算了以壳性状和韧带长为自变量对软体重作依变量的通径系数、决定系数和回归方程。结果表明,壳长、壳宽、壳高、韧带长与软体部重相关极显著(P<0.01)。壳宽对软体部重的直接影响最大,壳高对软体部重的直接影响次之。壳长与软体部重的相关程度很大,但对软体部重的直接影响较小,主要通过壳宽和壳高间接影响软体部重,是影响软体部重的次要因素;韧带长对软体部重的直接影响也相对较小。采用逐步回归分析方法建立了以壳宽和壳高为自变量估计软体重的多元回归方程:YEW=-6.809+3.589XSW+1.610XSH,为波纹巴非蛤选种提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 波纹巴非蛤Paphia undulata 表型性状 通径分析 回归方程
基于氧化逆境标志物的北部湾潮间带沉积物有机污染程度综合评价 被引量:9
作者 孟范平 程凤莲 +5 位作者 王建春 杜秀萍 李正炎 李永富 周游 王志峰 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期155-165,共11页
利用综合生物标志物响应(IBR)指数对北部湾潮间带沉积环境中多氯联苯(PCBs)、石油烃(TPH)、壬基酚(NP)和苯并芘(B[a]P)的综合污染水平进行评价。在9个站位采集波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和沉积物样品,测定沉积物和生物软组织中有机污... 利用综合生物标志物响应(IBR)指数对北部湾潮间带沉积环境中多氯联苯(PCBs)、石油烃(TPH)、壬基酚(NP)和苯并芘(B[a]P)的综合污染水平进行评价。在9个站位采集波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和沉积物样品,测定沉积物和生物软组织中有机污染物含量,同时对鳃、内脏中与细胞防御系统有关的各7种标志物(包括还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)、氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)等)进行分析。利用相关性分析法筛选出对1~2种有机污染物响应敏感的生物标志物共8种,分别为内脏中的GPx、GSH、GSSG、CAT和鳃中的GPx、GSH、GSSG、CAT。以筛选的8种生物标志物为基础,9个站位IBR指数范围为0.27~1.48,其中站位S2(湛江市乐民镇码头)、站位S9(湛江市江洪码头)的IBR较小,显示污染程度最轻;站位S4(防城港西湾)、站位S3(钦州湾老人沙浅滩)IBR较高,显示生物体因有机污染产生氧化逆境。不同站位的IBR值与污染源分布、化学污染物分析结果基本一致,表明该方法可用于北部湾潮间带沉积物有机污染程度的综合评价。 展开更多
关键词 北部湾 有机污染 波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata) 生物标志物 综合标志物响应(IBR)指数
花叶玉簪的组培技术的研究 被引量:5
作者 张仁贵 张思露 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2014年第5期1302-1303,共2页
[目的]研究花叶玉簪的组培技术。[方法]以花叶玉簪为研究对象,采用浓度75%的酒精进行消毒,并以MS为基本培养基,添加不同浓度植物生长调节剂6-BA和NAA进行增殖培养和生根培养,观察生长状况。[结果]MS+4.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.1 mg/L NAA增殖效... [目的]研究花叶玉簪的组培技术。[方法]以花叶玉簪为研究对象,采用浓度75%的酒精进行消毒,并以MS为基本培养基,添加不同浓度植物生长调节剂6-BA和NAA进行增殖培养和生根培养,观察生长状况。[结果]MS+4.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.1 mg/L NAA增殖效果最好,苗生长健壮。最佳生根培养基为:1/2MS+0.1 mg/L NAA+0.3%活性炭;20 d后平均根长可达3 cm,且根系比较粗壮,移栽后易成活。幼苗移栽时以蛭石∶珍珠岩(5∶1,W/W)、泥炭土∶珍珠岩∶蛭石(3∶1∶1,W/W/W)或腐叶土∶蛭石(3∶1,W/W)的成活率较高,小苗生长健壮。[结论]采用组培方法繁殖花叶玉簪,虽然具有繁殖系数高,时间短等优点。 展开更多
关键词 关键词花叶玉簪(Hosta undulata Bailey) 外植体 培养基 组培技术
基于多生物标志物污染指数法的北部湾潮间带污染程度评价 被引量:4
作者 杜秀萍 孟范平 +5 位作者 王志峰 李祥蕾 杨菲菲 程凤莲 杨跃志 李正炎 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期3336-3343,共8页
采用多生物标志物污染指数法(multi-biomarker pollution index,MPI)评价北部湾潮间带的污染状况.2011年4月在北部湾沿海潮间带设置9个站位采集波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和沉积物样品,分析波纹巴非蛤鳃和内脏中9种生物标志物活性(含... 采用多生物标志物污染指数法(multi-biomarker pollution index,MPI)评价北部湾潮间带的污染状况.2011年4月在北部湾沿海潮间带设置9个站位采集波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata)和沉积物样品,分析波纹巴非蛤鳃和内脏中9种生物标志物活性(含量)以及沉积物中12种化学污染物的含量.根据每种生物标志物与沉积物中化学污染物之间的皮尔逊相关性,筛选波纹巴非蛤鳃中的氧化型谷胱甘肽(GSSG)、还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)和谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST),以及内脏中的硫代巴比妥酸反应物(TBARS)和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx)作为评价指标,将某站位上述5种生物标志物响应值赋予相应的污染指数,叠加后即得到该站位的MPI值.结果表明,不同站位污染水平有所差别,所有站位的MPI值范围在18~39之间,涵盖"清洁"、"质量良好"、"轻微污染"三个等级,未出现"污染"或"严重污染"站位.湛江市北港码头(S1)、钦州湾老人沙浅滩(S3)、防城港西湾(S4)和北海市西场(S7)呈轻微污染,其他站位环境清洁或质量良好,说明北部湾潮间带整体环境质量良好,但已开始受到人为活动的轻微干扰. 展开更多
关键词 北部湾 波纹巴非蛤(Paphia undulata) 生物标志物 多生物标志物污染指数法(MPI) 污染评价
Analysis of novel immune-related genes and microsatellite markers in the transcriptome of Paphia undulata
作者 WU Xiangwei LIU Xiande YU Ziniu 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期1301-1316,共16页
Increasingly,exogenous stressors such as pathogen infections,variable water conditions,and pollution are resulting in high mortality of Paphia undulata,deleteriously affecting the quality of clam harvests.The foot is ... Increasingly,exogenous stressors such as pathogen infections,variable water conditions,and pollution are resulting in high mortality of Paphia undulata,deleteriously affecting the quality of clam harvests.The foot is a burrowing organ in clams.Physical damage and constant contact with the external environment cause the foot to be highly sensitive to pathogen invasion and water condition variation.In the present study,the foot tissue transcriptome was analyzed to identify genes involved in immune and stress responses.The P.undulata transcriptome included 5 286 668 078 bp reads generated by Illumina Hiseq 2000 sequencing and were assembled into 1 785 226 contigs by de novo method.The contigs were clustered into 99 339 transcripts and further grouped into 60 201 unigenes.Of them,22 260 unigenes were successfully annotated using public databases.Twelve genes that were response to immune and stress were identified with abundant expression levels,including heat shock protein 70,cold shock protein,complement C3,cathepsin L,ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase L5,and translationally controlled tumor protein.Furthermore,566 unigenes were found homologous to genes involved in the immune response systems of pathogen discrimination,signal transduction,and immune effector,such as lectins,toll-like receptors,complement pathway,toll-like receptor signaling pathway,heat shock proteins,antioxidant enzymes,lysozymes,and mucins,indicating that P.undulata could have a complete set of innate immune mechanisms.In addition,4 270 microsatellite markers(SSRs)were identified from 60 201 unigenes,of which trinucleotide repeats were most abundant and 16 SSRs were tested to be polymorphic.The present study provides a new insight into innate immunity and stress response mechanisms in P.undulata. 展开更多
Composition of the Volatile Components Extracted from the Roots of <i>Scorzonera undulata</i>ssp <i>deliciosa</i>(Guiss) Maire: From Algeria
作者 Brahim Harkati Salah Akkal Marie Genevieve Dijoux Franca 《Green and Sustainable Chemistry》 2012年第2期59-61,共3页
The chemical composition of the volatile components of the dried roots of Scorzonera undulata ssp deliciosa collected from Algeria was determined by GC and GC/MS. The obtained results showed that the extracted oil con... The chemical composition of the volatile components of the dried roots of Scorzonera undulata ssp deliciosa collected from Algeria was determined by GC and GC/MS. The obtained results showed that the extracted oil contained nine fatty acids. The major compounds were hexadecanoic acid (42.2%), n-tetradecanoic acid (16.1%), 9-octadecenoic acid (7.7%) and 9-hexadecenoic acid (4.5%). 展开更多
关键词 Asteraceae Scorzonera undulata SSP deliciosa ESSENTIAL Oil FATTY ACIDS GC-MS
Quassia undulata Oil Exploitation: Extraction’s Yield, Phytochemical Profile of Seeds and Oilcake Nutritional Value
作者 Ndiaye Seyni Ndiaye Bou +4 位作者 Cissé Oumar Ibn Khatab Cissé Mady Gueye Mathieu Qi Zhang Ayessou Nicolas Cyrille Mensah 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 2022年第2期136-146,共11页
Quassia undulata is a plant that belongs to the Simaroubaceae family. In Africa, it occurs in the wooded savannah from Senegal in the west to the Central African Republic in the east. The seeds from the plant are very... Quassia undulata is a plant that belongs to the Simaroubaceae family. In Africa, it occurs in the wooded savannah from Senegal in the west to the Central African Republic in the east. The seeds from the plant are very rich in oil. The traditional extraction of this oil involves a phase of boiling the powder from the seeds in a decoction of Piliostigma thonningii leaves. Thus, the aim of this study is to determine the impact of Piliostigma thonningii leaves on the extraction yield, to assess the phytochemical profile of seeds and oilcake and, to determine the nutritional value of the cakes obtained after extraction. Thus, the traditional extraction of oil was carried out in the laboratory and physico-chemical and phytochemical analyses were carried out on the water decoction, the oil and, the oilcake. The results showed that the traditional extraction gives a low extraction yield (5.18% with PD and 6.12% without PD) compared to the Soxhlet extraction (56.9%). On the other hand, it was found that oil obtained by traditional extraction in the presence of Piliostigma thonningii leaves was of better physicochemical quality. Finally, oilcake very rich in proteins (36.71% - 42.69%) and mineral elements (110.9 - 152.33 mg/100g of calcium, 544.75 - 620.77 mg/100g of Potassium and 331.11 - 459.68 mg/100g of Magnesium) justify their use in human food. However, investigations should point to the impact of this traditional technique on the elimination of quassinoids, toxins and antihelminth compounds present in the seeds. 展开更多
关键词 Quassia undulata Piliostigma thonningii Oil Extraction PHYTOCHEMICAL
Comparing the model forms estimating generalised diameter-height re-lationships in Tecomella undulata plantations in hot arid region of India 被引量:1
作者 Vindhya Prasad Tewari 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期255-260,共6页
Four generalised diameter-height equations were developed and compared for pure and even-aged stands of Tecomella undulata in hot arid region of Rajasthan State in India. The data used to fit the equations consisted o... Four generalised diameter-height equations were developed and compared for pure and even-aged stands of Tecomella undulata in hot arid region of Rajasthan State in India. The data used to fit the equations consisted of 1 540 diameter-height observations collected from the plots laid out in uniformly stocked stands of varying age and density. The performance of four equations was tested by non-linear least squares regression and evaluated using different statistical criteria. Finally, these equations, with the same values of coefficients ob- tained during the fitting phase, were validated by an independent data set consisting of 854 diameter-height observations. Overall, equation (4) (Hui and Gadow function) was found to perform best for both the fitting data set as well as validation data set. 展开更多
关键词 Generalised height-diameter equations T. undulata Model evaluation validation Hot desert INDIA
Euclea undulata Thunb.:Review of its botany,ethnomedicinal uses,phytochemistry and biological activities 被引量:1
作者 Alfred Maroyi 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2017年第11期1030-1036,共7页
Euclea undulata(E. undulata) is traditionally used for the treatment of body pains, chest complaints, cough, diabetes, diarrhoea, headaches, heart diseases and toothaches in southern Africa. This study was aimed at re... Euclea undulata(E. undulata) is traditionally used for the treatment of body pains, chest complaints, cough, diabetes, diarrhoea, headaches, heart diseases and toothaches in southern Africa. This study was aimed at reviewing the botany, ethnopharmacology and biological activities of E. undulata in southern Africa. Results presented in this study are based on review of literature using search engines such as Science Direct, Springerlink,Scopus, Pub Med, Web of Science, Bio Med Central and Google Scholar. Herbal medicine is prepared from the decoctions of the roots, bark and leaves, and extracts of these plant parts have demonstrated anticholinesterase, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antimycobacterial, antiplasmodial, antioxidant and hypoglycaemic activities. Multiple classes of phytochemical compounds such alkaloids, diterpenes, fatty acids, flavonoids, glycosides, naphthoquinones, phenolics, phytosterols, reducing sugars, saponins and tannins have been isolated from the species. E. undulata has a lot of potential as herbal medicine in tropical Africa, and advanced research is required aimed at correlating its medicinal uses with the phytochemistry and pharmacological properties. 展开更多
关键词 Complementary and alternative medicine Euclea undulata ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY Southern Africa Traditional medicine
Effects of substrate on burrowing behavior,feeding physiology,and energy budget of undulated surf clam Paphia undulata
作者 Pengfei ZHANG Edwine YONGO +5 位作者 Fei LIU Shuai PAN Anfu SUN Long ZHOU Zhiqiang GUO Caihuan KE 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第5期1795-1808,共14页
Substrate is an important abiotic factor for burrowing shellfish,as it not only provides them with shelter,but also impose significant effect on their physiological metabolism.However,the physiological responses of bu... Substrate is an important abiotic factor for burrowing shellfish,as it not only provides them with shelter,but also impose significant effect on their physiological metabolism.However,the physiological responses of burrowing clams within various substrates get less attention due to difficulty in carrying out physiological tests in buried conditions.Consequently,this study investigated the burrowing behavior,feeding physiology and energy budget of Paphia undulata,which is an important aquaculture bivalve species in south China.The clams were exposed to mud and sand substrates with variable physical properties in the laboratory,to determine the suitable substrate conditions for this species.The results showed that the percentage of burrowing clams,digging index,burrowing time,burrowing depth and scope for growth(SFG)were higher in mud substrates with≥40%water content.Likewise,burrowing percentage,digging index,and burrowing depths were higher in substrates with≤40%sand content.Moreover,the burrowing depth had significant effect on the feeding physiology and SFG of P.undulata as clams burrowed at 6.3±1.8 cm had higher clearance rates and SFG as compared to other buried depths.This study further revealed that low water content in the sediment inhibited physiological performances of P.undulata by impairing feeding or absorption,hence reducing the SFG.In conclusion,mud substrate with≥40%water content or with≤40%sand content is suitable for proper burrowing and growth of P.undulata.Our findings therefore provide fundamental knowledge that will be applicable in the improvement of bottom aquaculture and conservation of P.undulata. 展开更多
关键词 Paphia undulata SUBSTRATE feeding physiology scope for growth
Gastrointestinal helminthes of houbara bustard(Chlamydotis undulata)from north of Iran
作者 Navid Rahmani Mohammad Asadi Iraee Mohammad Reza Youssefi 《Journal of Coastal Life Medicine》 2016年第1期80-82,共3页
The parasitic infection of houbara bustard(Chlamydotis undulate)in north of Iran,Golestan Province was reported in this study.The carcass of a male houbara bustard about 2 years old with 2.5 kg body weight,was forfeit... The parasitic infection of houbara bustard(Chlamydotis undulate)in north of Iran,Golestan Province was reported in this study.The carcass of a male houbara bustard about 2 years old with 2.5 kg body weight,was forfeited from impermissible hunters by the Department of Environment in Gorgan,Golestan Province during January 2015.The gastrointestinal tracts was dissected and examined for helminth infection.Species of Nematoda,Cestoda and Acanthocephala were found which were as following:Hartertia obesa,Idiogenes otidis,Mediorhynchus taeniatus,respectively from small intestine.Based on the results obtained from the present study,it can be concluded that Chlamydotis undulata may play an important role in the transmission of the mentioned parasites.In addition,this is the first report of Hartertia obesa,Idiogenes otidis,Mediorhynchus taeniatus in Iran. 展开更多
关键词 PARASITE Houbara bustard Chlamydotis undulata Migratory birds Iran
作者 马庆涛 林清 +3 位作者 李春晓 陈加雄 陈楷亮 许晓能 《汕头科技》 2021年第3期22-27,共6页
笔者于2013年12月采用实验生态学方法,在室内进行不同体质量不同投饵时间、不同饵料密度对对波纹巴非蛤[Paphia undulata(Born)]进行滤水率的影响实验。结果表明:(1)波纹巴非蛤的滤水率(FR)随着体质量的增大而增大,单位体质量的滤水率(F... 笔者于2013年12月采用实验生态学方法,在室内进行不同体质量不同投饵时间、不同饵料密度对对波纹巴非蛤[Paphia undulata(Born)]进行滤水率的影响实验。结果表明:(1)波纹巴非蛤的滤水率(FR)随着体质量的增大而增大,单位体质量的滤水率(FR')随着其规格的增大而减小。FR=0.3305W0.6437(R2=0.9965)。(2)分别以金藻和扁藻作为饵料,测定了8:00、14:00及20:00这3个时间点的滤水率,滤水率在8:00最大,14:00及20:00依次减小,3个时间点滤水率差异显著(P<0.05)。(3)以金藻和扁藻作为混合藻,滤水率随着藻密度的增加而增大,当浓度超过3.06×10^(5)cell/L,FR反而下降。 展开更多
关键词 波纹巴非蛤Paphia undulata Born 滤水率 体质量 时间节律 藻密度
Herbicidal Activities of Seven Native Plants on the Germination and Growth of Phalaris minor, Echinochloa crusgalli, Portulaca oleracea and Lactuca sativa
作者 Abdulrohman AL-Humaid Ragab Abdelmohsen El-Mergaw 1,2 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第10期843-852,共10页
Plant extracts could turn out to be herbicides used in weed control. We evaluated the herbicidal effect of seven plants from the Al-Qassim Region of Saudi Arabia on germination and growth of Phalaris minor, Echinochlo... Plant extracts could turn out to be herbicides used in weed control. We evaluated the herbicidal effect of seven plants from the Al-Qassim Region of Saudi Arabia on germination and growth of Phalaris minor, Echinochloa crusgalli, Portulaca oleracea and Lactuca sativa. In the laboratory, plant extracts at 5, 10, 20 and 40 g/L inhibited the germination and seedling growth of test seeds. P. minor and P. oleracea were more sensitive to the extracts than L. sativa and E. crusgalli. The germination of either P. minor or P. oleracea were completely inhibited by Prosopisjuliflora at 10 g/L and by Rumex vesicarius and Teucrium baccatus at 20 g/L. Extract of Pulicaria undulate completely inhibited germination of target seeds at concentrations ranged from l 0 g/L to 40 g/L. The rank order of bioactivity was Prosopis jul(17ora 〉 Pulicaria undulata 〉 Rumex vesicarius 〉 Withania somnifera 〉 Teucrium baccatus 〉 Artemisia monosperma 〉 Anvillea garcinii. In the greenhouse trial, the extracts of seven plant species at 30, 60 and 90 g/L reduced growth of six-weeks-old target plants. Anvillea garcinii and Prosopisjuliflora showed the greatest effects. At 90 g/L, the reduction in the growth of target species reached between 20% and 30% for Anvillea garcinii and between I 1% and 25% for Prosopis juliflora. Overall, Prosopis juliflora, Pulicaria undulata, Anvillea garcinii and Rumex vesicarius had potential for use as natural herbicides or for development as novel plant-derived herbicides. 展开更多
关键词 Natural herbicide germination bioassay greenhouse bioassay Saudi Arabia Prosopis juliflora Pulicaria undulata Rumex vesicarius Anvillea garcinii.
Distribution and status of bustards in China
作者 Xingyi GAO Weikang YANG +2 位作者 Jianfang QIAO Jun YAO Kefen XU 《Frontiers in Biology》 CSCD 2008年第4期385-391,共7页
This article presents the distribution and status of bustards,which are listed as first-category protected animals according to the survey results during 1990–2002 in China.The Chinese populations of Otis tarda dybow... This article presents the distribution and status of bustards,which are listed as first-category protected animals according to the survey results during 1990–2002 in China.The Chinese populations of Otis tarda dybowskii are breeding in south-west of Heilongjiang Province,western Jilin Province,east and middle Inner Mongolia,north Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and Gansu Province.A few can winter in the south breeding-range.Its winterrange lies from the south to the Yellow River,as far as to Guizhou Province and Jiangxi Province.Its population number is about 200–300 or 500–800.The Chinese populations of O.t.tarda are breeding in the north and west of Xinjiang.It is unclear about its winter-range,which is presumed to be in south Asia.Recently we found individuals wintering in Chabuchaer and west Xinjiang.The population number is about 2000–3000.The habitat in breeding range includes steppe,grassland,desert grassland,and farmland.The habitat in winter range is the beach of rivers and lakes,meadows,meadow-grassland,and wheatland.The Chinese populations of Chlamydotis undulata macqueeni are breeding in the fringe of the Jungar Basin,the banks of the Ulungur River,Balikun and south Turpan Basin in Xinjiang,west Inner Mongolia,and west Gansu.Northeast Mulei in eastern Jungar Basin of Xinjiang is the main breeding-range in the world.The bird uses desert and desert grassland as its habitat.Its winter-range is west Asia and south Asia.Its population number is about 2000.The Chinese populations of Tetrax tetrax are breeding in north Xinjiang,and China is located on the east border of its breeding-range.Its habitat is grassland and semi-desert,and its winter-range lies in south Asia.Its population in China is very scarce.In addition,we analyzed the causes of their endangerment and put forward protection tactics of Chinese Bustards. 展开更多
关键词 Great Bustard(Otis tarda) Houbara Bustard(Chlamydotis undulata) Little Bustard(Tetrax tetrax) DISTRIBUTION STATUS
Temperature stress response of heat shock protein 90(Hsp90)in the clam Paphia undulata
作者 Xiangyang Lin Xiangwei Wu Xiande Liu 《Aquaculture and Fisheries》 2018年第3期106-114,共9页
The Heat shock proteins(HSPs)are a group of molecular chaperones that play a crucial role in cell response to various stresses.A full-length cDNA of the heat shock protein 90(PuHsp90)was cloned and sequenced from the ... The Heat shock proteins(HSPs)are a group of molecular chaperones that play a crucial role in cell response to various stresses.A full-length cDNA of the heat shock protein 90(PuHsp90)was cloned and sequenced from the clam Paphia undulata.Phylogenetic analysis revealed that PuHsp90 grouped with the Hsp90 from other metazoan species.Expression of PuHsp90 was highly detected in the gonad,followed by digest gland,gills and heart but was found poorly expressed in mantle,adductor muscle and hemocytes.After a heat shock stress at 32℃up-regulation of PuHsp90 was detected in the mantle,adductor muscle,gills and hemocytes.Maximal expression levels occurred at 4 h after the heat shock and up-regulation is indicative of protein denaturation and of an increase in energy consumption.In contrast after the heat shock,PuHsp90 was continuously down-regulated in the digestive gland and in the gonad suggesting modifications of the biochemical pathways and energy budgets involved in the synthesis of other protein,such as catalase and of other Hsp proteins.These results reveal that PuHsp90 may play an important role in the clam response to a temperature stress. 展开更多
关键词 Paphia undulata CLAM Heat shock protein 90 EXPRESSION Heat shock STRESS
波纹巴非蛤性腺发育分期的研究 被引量:20
作者 吴洪流 王红勇 王珺 《海南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2002年第1期41-47,共7页
采用活体性腺观察和组织切片法对广西北海自然海区波纹巴非蛤的性腺周年发育进行了初步研究 ,并以波纹巴非蛤滤泡中生殖细胞所处的主要发育阶段作为性腺发育的分期标准 ,将性腺发育过程分为 :休止期、增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期和... 采用活体性腺观察和组织切片法对广西北海自然海区波纹巴非蛤的性腺周年发育进行了初步研究 ,并以波纹巴非蛤滤泡中生殖细胞所处的主要发育阶段作为性腺发育的分期标准 ,将性腺发育过程分为 :休止期、增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期和滞留退化期等 6个时期 ,同时揭示了在广西北海自然海区波纹巴非蛤的性腺发育一年只有一个周期 ;此外 ,还发现雄性早熟现象 . 展开更多
关键词 波纹巴非哈 性腺发育 生殖周期 休止期 增殖期 生长期 软体动物
中国鸨类的分布与现状 被引量:19
作者 高行宜 杨维康 +2 位作者 乔建芳 姚军 许可芬 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期179-186,共8页
依据1990-2002年调查资料,分析了我国国家一级保护动物3种鸨类的分布和现状。大鸨(Otis tarda):东方亚种(O.t.dybowskii)中国种群繁殖于黑龙江西南部、吉林西部、内蒙古东部和中部、宁夏北部和甘肃,少数个体滞留在南部繁殖地越冬。指名... 依据1990-2002年调查资料,分析了我国国家一级保护动物3种鸨类的分布和现状。大鸨(Otis tarda):东方亚种(O.t.dybowskii)中国种群繁殖于黑龙江西南部、吉林西部、内蒙古东部和中部、宁夏北部和甘肃,少数个体滞留在南部繁殖地越冬。指名亚种(O.t.tarda):中国种群繁殖于新疆北部和西部。越冬区尚不清楚,推测可能在南亚一带,新近在新疆察布查尔发现越冬个体。繁殖地生境为草原、荒漠草原和农田;越冬地生境为挥湖沿岸滩涂、草甸、草甸草原和麦地等。波斑鸨(Chlamydotis undulata macqueeni):中国种群繁殖于准噶尔盆地周边、乌伦古河两岸、巴里坤及吐鲁番盆地南部、内蒙古西部和甘肃西部。准噶尔盆地东部木垒东北为国际间的主要繁殖区之一。生境为荒漠和荒漠草原,越冬地在西亚和南亚一带。小鸨(Tetrax tetrax):中国种群繁殖于新疆北部,我国为繁殖区的东界。生境为草原和半荒漠,越冬于南亚一带。我国种群数量十分稀少。 展开更多
关键词 大鸨(Otistarda) 波斑鸨(Chlamydotis nudulata) 小鸨(Tetrax tetrar) 分布 现状
波纹巴非蛤氨基多糖的分离纯化及其理化性质的初步研究 被引量:12
作者 吴红棉 范秀萍 +1 位作者 雷晓凌 胡雪琼 《食品与发酵工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期133-136,共4页
以波纹巴非蛤全脏器为原料,经酶解、脱色、离心去蛋白、醇沉、干燥等工序得到氨基多糖粗制品(波纹巴非蛤CPG),CPG再经吸附、透析、CTAB络合等方法进行纯化,得到波纹巴非蛤氨基多糖较纯级分(波纹巴非蛤GAG-2)。成分分析表明:波纹巴非蛤GA... 以波纹巴非蛤全脏器为原料,经酶解、脱色、离心去蛋白、醇沉、干燥等工序得到氨基多糖粗制品(波纹巴非蛤CPG),CPG再经吸附、透析、CTAB络合等方法进行纯化,得到波纹巴非蛤氨基多糖较纯级分(波纹巴非蛤GAG-2)。成分分析表明:波纹巴非蛤GAG-2含有氨基己糖、己糖醛酸、硫酸基和少量的岩藻糖(Fuc)、半乳糖(Gal)。波纹巴非蛤GAG-2经琼脂糖凝胶电泳可再分为F-1、F-2两个级分;红外光谱与CS-6相似;体外抗肿瘤试验表明:0·5mg/mL波纹巴非蛤CPG对HL-60细胞的抑制率可达32·3%,与抗癌药物5-Fu合用时可使抑瘤率提高到56·7%,具显著增敏作用。 展开更多
关键词 波纹巴非蛤 氨基多糖 分离纯化 理化性质 抗肿瘤活性 琼脂糖凝胶电泳 HL-60细胞 CTAB 氨基己糖 成分分析
波缘烟草和枸杞属间原生质体融合再生杂种小植株 被引量:9
作者 谢航 刘宝 +3 位作者 陶文静 何孟元 张忠恒 鲍智娟 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期1-5,T001,共6页
分别利用碘乙酰胺(IOA)和^(60)Co-γ射线失活波缘烟草和枸杞的原生质体,然后用改良PEG方法诱导融合。结果表明,异种融合频率为3%左右。利用超氧歧化酶对50个随机选取的细胞系进行同工酶分析发现,9个细胞系为可能的杂种细胞系。 对其中... 分别利用碘乙酰胺(IOA)和^(60)Co-γ射线失活波缘烟草和枸杞的原生质体,然后用改良PEG方法诱导融合。结果表明,异种融合频率为3%左右。利用超氧歧化酶对50个随机选取的细胞系进行同工酶分析发现,9个细胞系为可能的杂种细胞系。 对其中4个分化出小植株的可能杂种细胞系进行叶片酯酶同工酶分析,证实它们均为体细胞杂种,杂种小植株在形态上兼有双亲特点且难以生根。细胞学观察指出,这4个杂种细胞系中的3个为可能的二细胞融合物,其平均染色体数目为62.3,59.1和68.2;1个为可能的多细胞融合物,其平均染色体数目为123.6。对一个杂种细胞系进行rDNA Southern杂交分析,结果表明,杂种中含有双亲特有的DNA片段且出现了双亲没有的新片段。 展开更多
关键词 烟草 枸杞 原生质体融合 杂种 植株
波斑鸨与大鸨卵壳的超微结构比较 被引量:15
作者 乔建芳 高行宜 杨维康 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 2000年第6期463-467,共5页
利用扫描电镜对波斑鸨 (Otisundulatamacqueenii)和大鸨 (Otistardatarda)卵壳的壳膜层、锥体层、海绵层和表层的超微结构进行了比较研究。结果显示 ,作为同属鸟类 ,它们的外壳表面具有相似性 ,即均具有突起及大小不等的气孔 ,壳膜纤维... 利用扫描电镜对波斑鸨 (Otisundulatamacqueenii)和大鸨 (Otistardatarda)卵壳的壳膜层、锥体层、海绵层和表层的超微结构进行了比较研究。结果显示 ,作为同属鸟类 ,它们的外壳表面具有相似性 ,即均具有突起及大小不等的气孔 ,壳膜纤维交错成网状 ,海绵层分布有较多蜂窝小孔等。但作为不同的种 ,二者又具有显著差异 ,这种结构上的差异与种的特异性、成鸟的体重、卵的大小及生存环境密切相关。能谱分析表明 ,卵壳元素组成与生活环境相关。 展开更多
关键词 波斑鸨 大鸨 卵壳 超微结构 能谱分析
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