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陆地生态系统中马陆的生态功能 被引量:10
作者 王梦茹 傅声雷 +2 位作者 徐海翔 王美娜 时雷雷 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期1051-1059,共9页
马陆是陆地生态系统中物种多样性极高的大型土壤无脊椎动物类群。作为营腐生动物,马陆在陆地生态系统中具有不可替代的重要功能。通过大量取食及随后的肠道过程,马陆在很大程度上决定着陆地生态系统凋落物的破碎、转化和分解过程,从而... 马陆是陆地生态系统中物种多样性极高的大型土壤无脊椎动物类群。作为营腐生动物,马陆在陆地生态系统中具有不可替代的重要功能。通过大量取食及随后的肠道过程,马陆在很大程度上决定着陆地生态系统凋落物的破碎、转化和分解过程,从而驱动碳和关键养分元素的循环周转。然而,目前对马陆生态功能的研究还非常有限,远远落后于其他土壤动物类群(如蚯蚓等)。本文初步总结了马陆的生态功能:(1)通过破碎、取食凋落物来加速凋落物的分解。马陆偏好取食半分解的凋落物,其同化效率受到凋落物来源、温度和凋落物中微生物含量的影响。(2)主要通过取食和排泄等活动影响养分循环。但对于马陆如何影响土壤碳循环,存在两种不同的观点:一是马陆粪球的分解速率比凋落物更快,加速了碳的循环;二是马陆粪球更难分解,有助于碳的固存和稳定。马陆破碎凋落物后,凋落物释放氮素进入土壤。此外,马陆的活动也影响土壤磷的循环,提高土壤中有效磷的含量。(3)调控微生物特性,与蚯蚓也有互作关系。通过以上三个方面的总结,展望了未来马陆的主要研究方向,以期引起更多思考和研究。 展开更多
关键词 马陆 土壤动物 陆地生态系统 生态功能
成都龙泉山城市森林公园典型森林群落马陆分布特征及影响因素 被引量:9
作者 张萌 冯毅 +8 位作者 伍小刚 张兴华 虞超 周泓杨 唐天文 张凤英 张林 孙晓铭 潘开文 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1200-1206,共7页
马陆是陆地生态系统主要的腐食性大型节肢动物,是土壤生态系统重要的分解者,但我国对森林土壤马陆多样性的研究鲜见报道.采用样方法,对成都龙泉山城市森林公园典型植物群落(天然常绿阔叶林、人工常绿阔叶林和人工针阔叶混交林)马陆多样... 马陆是陆地生态系统主要的腐食性大型节肢动物,是土壤生态系统重要的分解者,但我国对森林土壤马陆多样性的研究鲜见报道.采用样方法,对成都龙泉山城市森林公园典型植物群落(天然常绿阔叶林、人工常绿阔叶林和人工针阔叶混交林)马陆多样性、密度和生物量进行调查,分析马陆密度与土壤化学性质间的关系.共发现马陆2目4科7种,其中浙山蛩(Spirobolus walkeri)是优势种.马陆个体数和物种数在天然常绿阔叶林、人工常绿阔叶林和人工针阔叶混交林中依次递减.马陆具有明显的表聚现象,集中分布在0-5 cm土层.天然常绿阔叶林马陆密度和多样性大于人工常绿阔叶林和人工针阔叶混交林.人工针阔叶混交林马陆平均体长显著大于天然和人工常绿阔叶林,马陆生物量在人工常绿阔叶林中最高.幂函数模型能较好地模拟山蛩科体长-体重的回归关系.土壤含水量、总磷含量、C/N和C/P是影响龙泉山城市森林公园马陆分布的主要因素,马陆密度与土壤含水量、总磷含量呈显著线性正相关,与土壤C/N、C/P呈显著线性负相关.本研究表明龙泉山城市森林公园马陆分布与森林类型、土壤含水率、总磷含量等环境因子密切相关.(图3表4参39) 展开更多
关键词 马陆 生物多样性 生物量 环境因子 龙泉山城市森林公园
马陆防治措施研究 被引量:3
作者 吴仁海 孙慧慧 +2 位作者 苏旺苍 鲁传涛 田路 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期90-93,共4页
近年来,马陆在很多地方暴发成灾,为此对马陆的防治方法及策略进行研究和探讨。在室内利用浸虫法对14种化学杀虫剂进行测定表明,异丙威、敌百虫、毒死蜱、功夫菊酯对马陆毒杀效果较好,药后4 d防效达100%。撒施生石灰(氧化钙)也能迅速有... 近年来,马陆在很多地方暴发成灾,为此对马陆的防治方法及策略进行研究和探讨。在室内利用浸虫法对14种化学杀虫剂进行测定表明,异丙威、敌百虫、毒死蜱、功夫菊酯对马陆毒杀效果较好,药后4 d防效达100%。撒施生石灰(氧化钙)也能迅速有效地杀死马陆。室内利用10种饲料对马陆进行饲养表明,蜗牛肉、猪肉等对其生长有较好促进效果;室外利用饵料进行引诱发现,猪肉、白菜叶等对马陆引诱效果较好。在制定马陆的防治策略时,应根据具体的环境条件选择上述合适的防治措施。 展开更多
关键词 马陆 防治策略 杀虫剂 活性测定 诱饵
中国南方瘤马陆属一新种记述(倍足纲,带马陆目,奇带马陆科)(英文) 被引量:2
作者 刘卫欣 罗孝竹 《动物分类学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期50-52,共3页
记述中国广西倍足类瘤马陆属1新种,德氏瘤马陆Tylopus deharvengi sp.nov.,新种与中华瘤马陆T.sinensis Golovatch,1995的区别在于:1)体型较大(雄性体长25mm,雌性27mm);2)背板侧突相当发达;3)雄体足的股节,后股节,胫节和跗节都具有腹面... 记述中国广西倍足类瘤马陆属1新种,德氏瘤马陆Tylopus deharvengi sp.nov.,新种与中华瘤马陆T.sinensis Golovatch,1995的区别在于:1)体型较大(雄性体长25mm,雌性27mm);2)背板侧突相当发达;3)雄体足的股节,后股节,胫节和跗节都具有腹面瘤突;4)第2~17体节的胸侧板都具有胸侧板脊;5)生殖肢的突起很尖锐,呈刺状。 展开更多
关键词 倍足纲 瘤马陆属 新种 中国
中国倍足纲分类研究进展 被引量:2
作者 蒋玄空 陈会明 《贵州科学》 2018年第5期56-61,共6页
关键词 马陆 分类学 研究进展 展望
作者 郑逢云 陈锋岭 黄河 《中国媒介生物学及控制杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第3期438-441,共4页
目的了解几种常用卫生杀虫剂对马陆的毒杀效果,为马陆的防控提供科学依据。方法通过药剂筛选试验测定5种不同杀虫机制的药剂对马陆的毒杀活性,测定了15%高氯·残杀威悬浮剂对马陆的半数致死量(LD50),并用现场模拟试验对其毒杀效果... 目的了解几种常用卫生杀虫剂对马陆的毒杀效果,为马陆的防控提供科学依据。方法通过药剂筛选试验测定5种不同杀虫机制的药剂对马陆的毒杀活性,测定了15%高氯·残杀威悬浮剂对马陆的半数致死量(LD50),并用现场模拟试验对其毒杀效果进行验证。采用Excel 2016和SPSS 19.0软件进行数据统计分析,采用χ^(2)检验比较不同药剂处理后马陆击倒差异。结果药剂筛选测试结果显示,15%高氯∙残杀威悬浮剂、12%高氯∙毒死蜱乳油、10%高效氯氟氰菊酯可湿性粉剂、20%残杀威乳油和10%吡虫啉悬浮剂5种药剂稀释100倍对马陆的半数击倒时间(KT50)分别为1.78、8.55、43.17、1.15、9.23 min;KT90分别为2.63、20.02、68.83、2.03、22.80 min;施药2 h后死亡率分别为76.25%、56.25%、73.33%、56.67%、46.67%;24 h死亡率均为100%。5种药剂200倍稀释对马陆的KT50分别为2.08、23.26、56.00、1.49、52.78 min;KT90分别为3.15、33.35、85.68、2.98、79.55 min,施药2 h后致死率为65.00%、47.50%、68.33%、40.00%、36.67%,施药24 h后致死率均为100%。室内毒力测定结果显示,15%高氯·残杀威悬浮剂对马陆的LD50为5.42 mg AI/m^(2)。现场模拟试验条件下,15%高氯·残杀威悬浮剂在7.5、15.0、30.0 mg AI/m^(2)剂量下对马陆24 h死亡率分别为98.33%、100%和100%。结论常用5种杀虫剂中15%高氯∙残杀威悬浮剂对马陆的毒杀效果较为优异,这对公共环境马陆防治用药选择具有一定的参考和指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 马陆 高氯∙残杀威悬浮剂 高氯∙毒死蜱乳油 高效氯氟氰菊酯可湿性粉剂 残杀威乳油 吡虫啉悬浮剂 毒杀效果
基于MetaEdit+的元建模 被引量:1
作者 王海林 李建芬 《计算机系统应用》 2011年第6期192-195,共4页
统一建模语言UML的广泛使用大大提升了模型在软件开发中的作用,以模型为核心的软件开发方法逐渐被人们所接受。但由于UML是作为一种通用建模语言而设计的,它既庞大而又复杂,所以不容易为领域专家所学习和掌握,常常使软件设计人员陷入繁... 统一建模语言UML的广泛使用大大提升了模型在软件开发中的作用,以模型为核心的软件开发方法逐渐被人们所接受。但由于UML是作为一种通用建模语言而设计的,它既庞大而又复杂,所以不容易为领域专家所学习和掌握,常常使软件设计人员陷入繁重的建模工作而不能脱身。使用面向特定领域的建模语言DSL(Domain Specific Language)可以很好地解决这一问题,但手工设计DSL成本很高,因此利用工具生成DSL成为唯一的选择。元建模(meta-modeling)就是一种通过工具建立领域元模型进而生成DSL的技术,以LED千足虫设计为例详细阐述了基于元建模工具MetaEdit+的元建模方法。 展开更多
关键词 UML 元建模 MetaEdit+ LED千足虫设计
《中国科技信息》 2003年第3期83-87,共5页
现在硬盘容量大了,但毛病也不少。许多硬盘都会在出现几个物理坏道后莫名其妙地完蛋,而善良的人们都会把这些情况归罪于病毒。时间一久,人们对硬盘自身缺陷造成的短命麻木了。我们为什么不能用新的技术来取代上个世纪70年代就使用的温... 现在硬盘容量大了,但毛病也不少。许多硬盘都会在出现几个物理坏道后莫名其妙地完蛋,而善良的人们都会把这些情况归罪于病毒。时间一久,人们对硬盘自身缺陷造成的短命麻木了。我们为什么不能用新的技术来取代上个世纪70年代就使用的温彻斯特硬盘(俗称“温盘”,即目前的硬盘)技术呢?作为硬盘业的先驱勇敢地迈出革命性的第一步,而他们提供给我们的答案就是MiLLiPEDE(直译为“千足虫”)! 展开更多
关键词 计算机 芯片硬盘 温彻斯特硬盘 millipede技术 存储密度
作者 张文兴 白萌 王建国 《内蒙古科技大学学报》 CAS 2013年第3期255-257,共3页
步进式冷弯成型工艺是一种新的设备,将虚拟样机技术应用于设计开发中,对步进式冷弯成型研究开发进行一定探索.在三维造型软件SolidWorks环境下创建设备模型,并运用自下而上虚拟装配模式完成设备的三维模型.并将模型导入多刚体动力学仿... 步进式冷弯成型工艺是一种新的设备,将虚拟样机技术应用于设计开发中,对步进式冷弯成型研究开发进行一定探索.在三维造型软件SolidWorks环境下创建设备模型,并运用自下而上虚拟装配模式完成设备的三维模型.并将模型导入多刚体动力学仿真软件ADAMS中,建立步进式冷弯成型设备传动系统虚拟样机,对虚拟样机进行运动学仿真分析,结果验证了机构设计的合理性与可行性. 展开更多
关键词 冷弯成型 虚拟样机 建模 运动学
马陆在森林生态系统物质转化中的功能研究 被引量:21
作者 张雪萍 李春艳 张思冲 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期75-79,共5页
马陆是森林生态系统重要的分解者 ,在帽儿山林区 ,马陆摄食量随温度的升高而增加。据初步估算 ,马陆对凋落物的分解量约占该地区年平均凋落物量的 0 .2 1 %。马陆对同一种、不同腐解程度的叶片摄食量不同 ,对半分解凋落物的摄食量大于... 马陆是森林生态系统重要的分解者 ,在帽儿山林区 ,马陆摄食量随温度的升高而增加。据初步估算 ,马陆对凋落物的分解量约占该地区年平均凋落物量的 0 .2 1 %。马陆对同一种、不同腐解程度的叶片摄食量不同 ,对半分解凋落物的摄食量大于对未分解凋落物的摄食量。在不同温度条件下 ,马陆的生态效率不同 ,其同化效率随温度升高而降低 ,而粪便率则随温度升高而增加。在不同林型下个体数量分布不均匀。通常 ,阔叶林 >针阔叶混交林 >针叶林。在土壤的垂直分布上 ,具有明显的表聚现象。马陆的个体数量季节变化明显 ,以夏末最多 ,冬末最少。 展开更多
关键词 马陆 生态分布 摄食量 生态效益 分解作用
Diplopoda in the world fossil record
作者 Michelle Álvarez-Rodríguez Francisco Riquelme +1 位作者 Miguel Hernández-Patricio Fabio Cupul-Magaña 《Zoological Systematics》 CSCD 2024年第3期185-245,共61页
We present a comprehensive catalog with an updated database of the fossil record of Diplopoda in the world.Taxonomic data was collected from descriptions and reports published from 1854 to the present.We also include ... We present a comprehensive catalog with an updated database of the fossil record of Diplopoda in the world.Taxonomic data was collected from descriptions and reports published from 1854 to the present.We also include new records from Mexican amber(Upper Oligocene-Lower Miocene),counting 83 unknown fossil inclusions,with the first records of the orders Polyxenida,Platydesmida,and Julida,as well as the families Sphaeriodesmidae and Trichopolydesmidae within Polydesmida.According to our results,Diplopoda counts 413 records featuring 299 distinct taxa ranging from the Middle Silurian to the Upper Pleistocene,representing three subclasses,two subterclasses,six superorders,25 orders,15 superfamilies,55 families,93 genera,and 161 fossil species.To date,no fossils of the order Siphonocryptida have been reported.The fossil record extends over three geological eras:the Paleozoic,with 161 taxa,including 97 species;the Mesozoic,with 53 taxa and 22 species;and the Cenozoic,with 85 taxa and 42 species.The referred material shows different forms of fossil preservation.It comprises 123 impressions,99 compressions,26 ichnites,predominantly from Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments,and 165 amber inclusions from late Mesozoic and Cenozoic sites.Thus,this catalog allows us to estimate the size and taxonomic composition of Diplopoda in the fossil record worldwide. 展开更多
关键词 millipedeS PALEOZOIC Mesozoic CENOZOIC new records CATALOG
Subtropical forest macro-decomposers rapidly transfer litter carbon and nitrogen into soil mineral-associated organic matter
作者 Guoxiang Niu Tao Liu +4 位作者 Zhen Zhao Xuebing Zhang Huiling Guan Xiaoxiang He Xiankai Lu 《Forest Ecosystems》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第2期131-139,共9页
Background:Forest soils in tropical and subtropical areas store a significant amount of carbon.Recent framework to assess soil organic matter(SOM)dynamics under evolving global conditions suggest that dividing bulk SO... Background:Forest soils in tropical and subtropical areas store a significant amount of carbon.Recent framework to assess soil organic matter(SOM)dynamics under evolving global conditions suggest that dividing bulk SOM into particulate and mineral-associated organic matter(POM vs.MAOM)is a promising method for identifying how SOM contributes to reducing global warming.Soil macrofauna,earthworms,and millipedes have been found to play an important role in facilitating SOM processes.However,how these two co-existing macrofaunae impac the litter decomposition process and directly impact the formation of POM and MAOM remains unclear.Methods:Here,we set up a microcosm experiment,which consisted of 20 microcosms with four treatments earthworm and litter addition(E),millipedes and litter addition(M),earthworm,millipedes,and litter addition(E+M),and control(only litter addition)in five replicates.The soil and litter were sterilized prior to beginning the incubation experiment to remove any existing microbes.After incubating the samples for 42 days,the litte properties(mass,C,and N contents),soil physicochemical properties,as well as the C and N contents,and POM and MAOM^(13)C abundance in the 0–5 and 5–10 cm soil layers were measured.Finally,the relative influences o soil physicochemical and microbial properties on the distribution of C and N in the soil fractions were analyzed Results:The litter mass,C,and N associated with all four treatments significantly decreased after incubation especially under treatment E+M(litter mass:-58.8%,litter C:-57.0%,litter N:-75.1%,respectively),while earthworm biomass significantly decreased under treatment E.Earthworm or millipede addition alone showed no significant effects on the organic carbon(OC)and total nitrogen(TN)content in the POM fraction,but join addition of both significantly increased OC and TN regardless of soil depth.Importantly,all three macrofauna treatments increased the OC and TN content and decreased the^(13)C abundance in the MAOM fraction.More than65%of the tot 展开更多
关键词 Tropical and subtropical forest Soil organic matter fractions EARTHWORM millipedeS Litter decomposition
Nutrient composition of pill millipede manure of the Western Ghats, India 被引量:2
作者 Kandikere R. Sridhar Bombrana S. Kadamannaya Kishore S. Karamchand 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期539-545,共7页
Nutrient composition of the manure of four pill millipedes (Arthrosphaera dalyi, ,4. davisoni, ,4. fumosa and,4, magna) inhabiting in semi-evergreen forests and plantations of the Western Ghats of Southwest India wa... Nutrient composition of the manure of four pill millipedes (Arthrosphaera dalyi, ,4. davisoni, ,4. fumosa and,4, magna) inhabiting in semi-evergreen forests and plantations of the Western Ghats of Southwest India was evaluated. The quantity and quality of fecal pellets differed between millipedes and their habitats (forest and plantation). Organic carbon content in manure was lower in plantations than in forests, while nitrogen content was elevated in plantations. The carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratio of manure was lower in plantations compared to forests. The phosphorus content in manure was elevated in plantations in all except for A. dalyi. Calcium content of manure was increased in plantations than in forests. The contents of magnesium, potassium and phenolics in manure showed varied results. The mass of fecal pellets was correlated only with volume in forests (r=0.882; p 〈0.01) and pH in plantations (r=0.616; p 〈0.05), while the volume of fecal pellets was correlated with nitrogen content in forests (r=0.751; p 〈0.01) and cal- cium in plantations (=0.619; p 〈0.05). The conductivity was positively correlated with phosphorus and potassium, while magnesium was negatively correlated in forests as well as plantations. Potassium and magnesium were negatively correlated in forests (r=0.920; p〈0.001) and plantations (t=0.692; p 〈0.05). Overall, the physicochemical characteristics and nutrient composition of fecal pelets differed between millipedes as well as habitats. The low carbon to nitrogen ratio and the increased nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium content in the manure of millipedes inhabiting in plantations indicates possibilities for successfully employing them for in situ composting of forest or plantation residues. 展开更多
关键词 Arthrosphaera fecal pellets FORESTS MANURE organic farm-ing pill millipedes plantations Western Ghats
Distribution of Pill Millipedes (Arthrosphaera) and Associated Soil Fauna in the Western Ghats and West Coast of India 被引量:4
作者 K. M. ASHWINI K. R. SRIDHAR 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期749-757,共9页
Seven sampling sites in each of three biomes (Western Ghats, foothills of Western Ghats and west coast) of south- western India were investigated to study the distribution, abundance and ecology of pill millipedes (Ar... Seven sampling sites in each of three biomes (Western Ghats, foothills of Western Ghats and west coast) of south- western India were investigated to study the distribution, abundance and ecology of pill millipedes (Arthrosphaera) and associated fauna in relation to edaphic features. Abundance and biomass of Arthrosphaera and other millipedes were the highest in Western Ghats, while earthworms were in foothills. Arthrosphaera magna and Arthrosphaera spp. were common in Western Ghats and foothills respectively, while no Arthrosphaera were found in the west coast. None of the sampling sites consisted of more than one species of Arthrosphaera. Biomass of Arthrosphaera, other millipedes and earthworms significantly differed in Western Ghats (P = 9.48 × 10-7) and foothills (P = 1.35 × 10-8), as did the biomass of species of Arthrosphaera (P = 2.76 × 10-7) between Western Ghats and foothills. Correlation analysis revealed that biomass of Arthrosphaera was significantly (P = 0.01, r = 0.45) correlated with soil organic carbon rather than other edaphic fea- tures (pH, phosphate, calcium and magnesium). Distribution pattern, abundance, biomass and ecology of Arthrosphaera of Western Ghats in relation to soil qualities were compared with millipedes of other regions of the world. 展开更多
关键词 Arthrosphaera DISTRIBUTION edaphic features pill millipedes Western Ghats
Millipede forming-a new metal forming approach
作者 Peter D HODGSON John L DUNCAN 《Baosteel Technical Research》 CAS 2010年第S1期39-,共1页
Millipede Forming is a novel metal forming method that has been proposed and developed recently.It can be applied to overcome fundamental limitations in conventional roll forming,and,in addition,used for incremental f... Millipede Forming is a novel metal forming method that has been proposed and developed recently.It can be applied to overcome fundamental limitations in conventional roll forming,and,in addition,used for incremental forging and integrated into a strip casting or extrusion process for downstream thickness reduction. In this new method,there are two main principles:①the use of an optimal transitional surface or space linking of the incoming material to the outgoing product,and②implementation of a method to feed the material through the forming device so that it conforms with this ideal space and the required deformation is imposed on it by the tooling. The system described here is called "Millipede forming" because deformation is accomplished in a large number of small steps.A prototype has been built to demonstrate the working principle applied to the replacement of a roll forming process;it can be used to produce simple profiles within a forming length an order of magnitude shorter than the conventional process. In this paper,the working principle of "Millipede forming" is introduced and some fundamental research on forming a channel section and a circular tube is discussed.Following the success of the small scale prototype, research on a full scale pilot machine has been proceeding.It is expected that this process can be developed and extended as a useful alternative to conventional roll forming,incremental forging and within a strip casting or other novel strip material(e.g.nanostructured metals) system. 展开更多
关键词 millipede forming roll forming incremental forging strip casting redundant deformation transitional surface ideal deformation space
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