统一建模语言UML的广泛使用大大提升了模型在软件开发中的作用,以模型为核心的软件开发方法逐渐被人们所接受。但由于UML是作为一种通用建模语言而设计的,它既庞大而又复杂,所以不容易为领域专家所学习和掌握,常常使软件设计人员陷入繁重的建模工作而不能脱身。使用面向特定领域的建模语言DSL(Domain Specific Language)可以很好地解决这一问题,但手工设计DSL成本很高,因此利用工具生成DSL成为唯一的选择。元建模(meta-modeling)就是一种通过工具建立领域元模型进而生成DSL的技术,以LED千足虫设计为例详细阐述了基于元建模工具MetaEdit+的元建模方法。
The wide use of UML(Unified Modeling Language) dramatically promotes model status in software development. Model based software development approaches have gradually been accepted. UML, however, is large and complex because it is designed as a generic modeling language. So it is not easy for domain experts to learn. Software designers often fall into the heavy modeling work and can not get out of it. Using DSL(domain specific language) can solve this problem well. Generating DSL by using tools becomes the only choice because the manual design cost of DSL is very high. Meta-modeling is a technique that generates DSL through building domain meta-mode. In this paper, we take LED millipede design as an example to introduce in detail the MetaEdit+ based meta-modeling approach.
Computer Systems & Applications